Title: It starts with a kiss
Rating: M for future capters
A/N: First ever Glee fic. Tell me what you think, eh? c:
It's been 6 weeks since Quinn had her baby. She's so relieved that it's over. Almost 2 weeks ago a young couple adopted the baby. She saw the love in their eyes the moment they held her. The tall father in his pale blue shirt teared up as he looked down into those hazel eyes. He was going to be an amazing dad. The mother was in tears when she gently cradled her new daughter. They'd be better parents than Quinn could ever be, and she knew it. She was so happy that her daughter - no, the baby - was going to such a nice family. That didn't stop her crying when she let her go.
She returned to school the next day. No one cared. Her baby was gone, and no one cared. She felt empty; how could her heart beat like nothing had happened. Her baby, her little girl, is somewhere else in the world, with some other family.
The first day without her baby was the worst. Brittany and Santana both asked how she was when they ran into her in the hall.
"Yeah. Fine." She tried to put on a brave face, but her smile was weak. Santana watched her through the day, but said nothing.
It was in Glee club that it really hurt. No one asked her. She had come to love these people. They were friends. Aside from Brittany and Santana, they were the first real friends she had. The first group of people that she would defend and protect without worrying about her reputation. The first group of people she thought she could trust, she could rely on.
But they didn't care.
Or maybe they just didn't know what to say. But they should have said something.
She waited by her locker after Glee until the bell rang again. The halls emptied. She was finally alone, and a tear spilled down her right cheek.
Quinn rushed to the bathroom.
"Ugh." She scoffed when she opened the door. She roughly wiped the tears from her cheeks.
"Quinn?" Rachel asked, those big brown eyes looking at her nervously.
"What." She said defensively. The blonde's hazel eyes scanned Rachel. Her cheeks were flushed. She looked a little further down. Her chest was covered in slushie. She must have just cleaned her face.
Rachel looked a little hurt when Quinn snapped at her. The blonde hesitated.
"I'm sorry. It's just... a rough day."
"I know." Rachel says quietly. Quinn raised an eyebrow. Was Rachel really comparing a slushie facial to giving away her baby?
"Not for me," Rachel quickly stammered. "I heard about the baby." She paused. "Are you okay, Quinn?"
"Of course I am." She says defensively. Rachel looked like a kicked puppy. Her dark eyes look down at the floor.
"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said anything." She tries to rush past Quinn, but the blonde is quick to catch her.
"No, I'm sorry. You're... you're the first person who really took an interest." She says quietly. Rachel nods.
"Are you okay?" The short brunette asks again. Quinn shakes her head in response.
"She was my baby. What if I've made a mistake?" She sobs quietly, letting the tears flow. Rachel steps closer and awkwardly places a hand on her arm.
"Quinn, you made the right decision. Not for you, for your baby. Because you love her, and you want her to have the best life she can possibly have." Rachel comforts her.
"I feel so bad," Quinn sobs louder, letting go. Finally letting go. She nervously steps closer to Rachel, and Rachel instantly panics. But then she looks into Quinns gorgeous eyes, and she sees how hurt she is. She sees what she really needs.
Rachel places a hand on Quinns waist gently, and pulls her closer. Quinn doesn't reject her this time. Rachel's arms wrap around the blonde tightly, while Quinn just rests her head on the small girl's shoulder. She cries for a little while, and Rachel just whispers quietly that it'll be okay.
Quinn believes her.
They break the hug, but Rachel's hands stay resting on Quinn's arms. She gently lowers them to her waist. Quinn lets her fingers rest on Rachel's delicate collarbone.
"Rachel?" Quinn says quietly. Rachel says nothing. She bites her lower lip as she thinks. Quinn watches her.
Then Rachel does it. She leans up and presses her lips against Quinn's lightly. It's so soft that Quinn hardly feels the smaller girl's silky lips on her own. Rachel lingers for a second, but it doesn't last long. She pulls away and looks at Quinn. The blonde still has her eyes closed. Eventually her lashes flutter as she opens her hazel eyes, clouded with lust.
"Rachel..." She doesn't know what to say. She frowns a little in confusion. Rachel thinks it's cute. Oh god, what has she done.
"I... I'm sorry." Rachel brushes past Quinn, and rushes out of the bathroom. This time Quinn lets her go. Rachel wishes she didn't.
She decides to skip class and hide out in the auditorium.
Her huge voice fills the room as she sings her heart out. She's even more confident singing alone. The lyrics to Try Sleeping With a Broken Heart float around her, reaching Quinn's ears as she stands by the door, hidden by the shadows. She followed Rachel, she had to.
She still doesn't understand, but she wants to. And she's going to find out.
Rachel avoids her for the rest of the day, despite the fact that the Glee Club were meeting up after school to practice a new number.
Quinn watches as Rachel finds confidence in the only place she can. As she takes the stage with Finn, he looks at her adoringly, obliviously. Quinn almost smirks to herself, but doesn't. She starts to see Rachel in a new way. She's kind of... pretty, Quinn thinks. Kind of cute.
She stops herself. What is she thinking? Just because manhands kissed her, doesn't mean she's a lesbian. Is Rachel a lesbian? Does Rachel like her?
A few months ago Quinn wouldn't have blamed Rachel for liking her. But these days, she's just a broken mess. Who would like her now. That's the part that confuses her.
Neither girl could sleep that night. Rachel stared at her ceiling, counting all the gold stars her dads had put there when she was little. Quinn kept her eyes screwed shut as thoughts rush through her mind, bouncing back and forth. She can't make sense of anything.