So tired it hurts.

Jan 25, 2008 02:23

So, yeah. Crazy week. I don't know if I'm just bitching right now or giving an objective rundown of my week. Feel free to skip if this is to whiney. :P

Watched Cloverfield (AWESOME!), took care of kids, quilted, took care of kids, stayed up late to work on quilt, got a tiny bit of sleep. Church, kids, little more sleeping, kids, kids, errands, more kids.up till 2am making a label for current quilt on mom's sewing photoshop (fun!). Quilting. Tired. Sandwiching/basting King Size quilt. Sleeping somewhere in there. Then more errands, more quilting, transfer designs, more quilting, constant kids. Backaches. Finish quilting, move on to binding the Full size quilt. Crying freaking out over scary Ghost Hunters on tv and memories of JDatE and scary shadow people and lack of sleep. Then on to Runway with niko_hime. Then back to kids and life and we went shopping for a swimsuit for Aeris because the hotel we're staying at this weekend has a pool. Also got one for David. Ended up getting a ton more baby clothes (Shopping with Debbie, what can I do? Clearance section!!). In between I'm rereading Harry Potter 4.

Now my fingers feel like they've been attacked by ants with tiny box cutters because I've been binding by hand for the past two days. But hey, I got the friggin' thing done and the label on. It's only been sitting in my "to do" pile for what, six months? Nine? Ugh. But this one's for my Granmur and my mom's taking it to her in Texas and leaving on Sunday and we're leaving for Philly on Saturday, so I have to get it to her today, so I'm waiting on it to finish drying now. I miss Kris. I sent him to bed a couple hours ago; he was asleep on the couch.

Other than that I finished my most awesome "Runway Skirt" that I've been trying to finish since before I had kids and that I made with no pattern whatsoever (some of you saw it at Cloverfield). Yay! Later today I'm taking my Bernina in to have it serviced when I drop off my quilt with my mom, and I'll get pictures of both skirt and quilt asap. Then I'll be working on Aeris's Easter dress to hang up in the store using my backup machine and waiting to hear back from my friend on when her new longarm machine will be set up in her basement so that I can go over and quilt that King quilt I made for Debbie that I made her for Christmas. And I have to redo the sandwiching on that because I keep finding wrinkles in the top. But when Aeris keeps walking all over it while I'm trying to smooth it out, what can I say. Then I get to make a few more of the dragon quilts for babies and sell them so that Kris will let me stay home with the kids and not have to go out and get a job with daycare and stuff. I think I'll do a baby quilt with a big castle in it and not just dragons... Oh, and Nikki, I finished the Wyvern and I need your opinion on it because Kris's was slightly unhelpful and pissed me off. And you need to come over soon so that we can go through patterns and look for Kimono junk.

I know that was just a lot of griping, sorry. I know I talk about spending time with the kids like it's a bad thing, but I really do love it. It's great being able to spend the day with them and watch them grow and everything, it's just that Aeris is very active and David is getting heavy. He weighed in at nearly 13 lbs the other day and I end up carrying him 75% of the time. I've discovered that I really don't want to go back to work, but I need to contribute something... thus the baby quilts. I just need to get a couple more finished and then I'll try putting them up on Etsy. I've already had a little bit of interest...

Ok, the dryer has stopped, I want to go to bed, I made myself update my journal, I give up. Sleeeeep......
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