Its true, romance is dead...

Aug 15, 2005 01:39

New York was in town on Friday. We kidnapped her from the bayside show and took her to scooters. She's in love.

I have also been in the city every night since thursday (minus tonight, but I originally was supposed to but plans fell through) I love it.

Oh, also we are dogsitting for the next few days. One of the dogs is a hyperactive psycho. She is also known as "crazy daisy". She seems to think my arm is a bone and likes to attack me when I'm in my bed and lick me to death. Its pretty insane.

Anyhow nothing exciting has really been happening. I've been doing things but nothing that is out of the ordinary or lj entry I guess...

Here are some things that rule and suck all at the same time:

Going to scooters a lot.
+ I love scooters, the northside and sweet hangs. (I'm getting everyone addicted...Kate has started a trend haha)
- a lot of frozen custard is just not so good.

Hangs with friends.
+ I don't see them all the time and getting the chance is awesome.
- it makes me hate distance.

None of my jeans fitting anymore.
+ they don't fit in the good way.
- now I don't have any jeans that fit correctly and they all look bad.

+ I will get money
- they barely ever scheduale me and when they do that means I miss out on things.

Staying up super late talking online.
+ 3am conversations just seem to be better than any other ones.
- I wake up super late and half my day is gone.

Not starting school in the fall.
+ I hate school and don't want to go back to it.
- a lot of my friends are going back so I will have no one to hang with.

+ sometimes they are cute.
- they lie and don't mean what they say.

Diet cherry coke.
+ it is amazing and I don't get how its diet...for real tastes exactly like regular cherry coke.
- pop is no good for you.

+ I love the way I feel after I wake up and I like not thinking while sleeping. It keeps me sane.
- it is boring after a while and wastes your day.

Summer ending...fall approaching.
+ my hair may start to cooperate and the heat will be gone.
- everyone starts school and it will start to get darker earlier.

The Andy Milinokis show.
+ some of it makes me laugh a lot.
- the show is so dumb, I think my IQ drops everytime I watch it.

There is more to add to the list but I can't think right now and you don't care. So I'm done.
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