Updating rant...

Apr 11, 2009 09:48

Well, the recent update still has me bummed. I gave up (temporarily) trying to do the ACP quests after spending a few hours wandering around Jugner Forest in search of orcs (Strider where art thou now?!) and seeing a total of 2 only to see them claimed right under my nose. lol I'll give it a few days and see...but prolly by then everyone I know will have done the last BCNM fight and I won't get that done for awhile...

Some of the update has me interested tho. The ANNMs for one. Seems like a good way to bank some gil. Nice drops are being reported. But again, finding people to do them with will be the hard part.

Am I finally nearing the end of my enjoyment of FFXI? hmm.
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