Want some cheese with that whine??

Jun 08, 2009 13:07

Been awhile since I posted. Mainly because its been SSDD. LS drama, prick manthras, idiot/immature gamers...as I said 'same shat, diff day'

BUT! The bright side...KOGA TEKKOS yay!

Let's see...we shall start with LS drama since its STILL ongoing and involves the prick manthras too.

We've had a bad streak in our dynamis runs. Multiple wipes, low relic drop rate, bitchin, moanin...did I mention multiple wipes? and then a mithra decided to make it MY fault. whoa nellie. Never mind HE (the manthra) pulled bad. There were alot of bad pulls and we wiped multiple times. People were being left at the last camp still dead. Mobs were being aggroed going to the next camp...more dead. Yet HE states he pulled his ass off on the zone and oops, got too close to the Boss in Qufim and brought it back to the group early.
I had been raising people that had been forgotten and others were weak and all in all it was general chaos, which is being normal for the group. So APPARENTLY Jojoe tells me to start the boss with CSS. I didnt see him say that. I ALWAYS acknowledge Jojoe when he tells me something specific. #1 flag....I didn't see therefore I didnt acknowledge. But it was said "the blame goes to people who dont want to CSS..." BS. Dont want to?!? Why would I not want to?!?
If the group wasn't ready and I didnt see the instructions, why pull? HE made the mistake, not I. HE CAN STFU.

Another manthra chimes in {quote} It doesn't help that I know for a fact that people with RL obligations also lie and say their kid was screaming or some other excuse when they were just plain ol' not paying attention or fucking up. Not naming anyone here about this one, but I've seen it happen a lot in the past. {end quote} HTF would he know for a FACT? Unless he is sitting in their livingroom and seeing it. Just another elistist that think they do no wrong.

Our LAST dyna run (that netted me my Koga tekkos yay!) had so much whining going on I was looking for cheese and crackers....meanwhile people were aggroing mobs, dying to small pulls, running this way and that and going AFK...BUT some had enough time to watch others to see what they were doing.
I was voking slept mobs and extra mobs and I see "Is Izzy afk?" " Izzy"
wtf. Pay attention to what YOU are supposed to be doing. Or if you must...pay attention to the ones who don't move an entire pull. Kya, Mica...to name a few. I saw Kya standing pretty close to me when I was holding a NM and the whole time she didnt move a bit. I think she was COR. I guess CORs do nothing during runs...? Toss a roll or 2 out and then stand back afk...? idk but was anything said about it? NO. Mica was off to the side during a big pull and afk. He ended up dead and stayed that way during another pull. Some BLMs go afk when they die. Why dont they have RR on?!? Why doesnt 99% of the people use RR?!? Fuk! I am spending gil left and right for RR2 items and THEY get R3?!?

There's so much blame to go around on all the failed runs that to pin it on one person is just total BS.

I wrote in the thread "why we suck at dynamis (recently)"
{quote}***On a personal note. I've thought about quitting AXI and, since I got the only piece of gear I really REALLY wanted last night, its very tempting. But I wont let people like Shad run me off. I realize I DID get that gear thru the efforts of alot of people and I am in it to help them get what they want too. Its what its about.
But dont think I will sit back and watch the 'elitist' ridicule others or point fingers when there is no ONE person to blame. Get my job to 75 and prove you excel in it and then, maybe, I will allow you to tell ME I am to blame because I did something wrong. Otherwise stfu and mind your own business.

Defending myself is NOT an admission of guilt or overreacting. There's no 'guilt' to it.

Jojoe has my respect, and I will listen and abide by his words, but very very few others. Learn your place and stay in it. ***{end quote}

and I mean it. Jojoe needs to get a handle on the EX officer that think he still runs the show, and the current officers that think they deserve special treatment.
All the bickering going on I know was affecting the run. I was enjoying it (to a degree) to hear an OFFICER whine so much about not getting a piece of gear she wanted but couldnt lot because she had been gone 3 mos. Its the rules. Get over it. Sure it went freelot coz the person next in line for it lotted the 100. and No! He didnt deserve to get after that. It was his call to lot it and lose main lot. Thems the breaks hun.
In a LS that is friends and people that LIKE each other then ya, the others wouldve passed the lot to ones that had the job 75...but thats not AXIs current status. Its gotten dog-eat-dog and very clickish. Mostly if you dont have VENT you lose out on getting any help for anything and getting blamed for everything.

Its just all very frustrating and irritating. I dont like wearing the Linkpearl any place other than events. I've actually had a person that I started a convo with while camping Eastern shadow tell me I was the first person he had spoken to from AXI that he liked! O.o; Thats bad. Shad had called him and his girlfriend botters. It really upset him that he called them that. Ya, thats why hes camped ES for 10 days straight, never getting the claim...he bots...riiight. He's a pretty cool guy to talk with and haha! he's taru too!

I camped Eastern Shadow for 4 days after hearing a person in the LS say she got claim on it and the drop and didnt even want the drop!! I asked why she even claimed it from another. She stated because she could...habit...it was a NM...w/e. Greed is what its called. Her ranger is lvl 12. grrr
Maint early morn messed up the ToD for me so I stopped camping it. I did get claim 3X tho. No drop :(

And guess what?! All of these greedy, whining, elitist people play....you guessed it! Mithras. You wonder why I don't like mithras in general LOL

Now to immature gamers (LOL no that rant above didnt include THAT topic!!)

I had a ranger that I had partied with want to be friends. We hit 2-3 parties together and did pretty good. So meh, I accepted her and her friends, friend invite. A few days later she is pestering me to camp a NM for her. Aquarius. Well, as you know from a previous post MY camping Aqaurius solo as DNC was an epic failure and I told her it would be better for the 2 of us to claim/kill. She stated that as a DNC I should be able to kill it solo and again I told her that my attempt was a failure so I really didnt want to claim and hold till she got there. She started calling me a liar...I told her she did NOT know what she was talking about. (Ranger is her first job past 50...)

So she prceeds to send me a 2 paragraph /tell full of obscene names...c**t, who*e, crack ho...on and on!! I was like...whoa. I was civil. I told her apparently we were not agreeing and so to just leave it, take me off Friends List and go on. More obscenity followed and her girlfriend started too!! So I blist them and called a GM. LOL She got 3 day temp suspension. She jumped on another friends char and asked me why I would do such a thing to a friend. I replied that friends dont talk to each other that way. She said she does LMAO!! So I told her that unless she wanted her friends char suspended also to stop NOW. She did.

Just another instance of trying to be nice and getting the shaft.

Oh! and guess what?!? She's a mithra...

BUT! The bright side...KOGA TEKKOS yay!

axi drama, mithra

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