The coney that wouldn't die...

May 17, 2009 09:55

Well I have spent a TON of gil getting RNG geared and back in the game. A few pieces I am still watching the AH for but all in all I am happy with what I have...especially after out damaging a Vbow and Sbow ranger. Yes, they were {too weak} mithras but thats besides the point. As mithras they should've had it over me hands down but no. I was doing 1500+ Sidewinders (using War bow+1) to their 1100. I even popped a 1752 SW @ level 63 :D OK OK I was /WAR for the 1.7k one lol Yes it makes THAT much of a difference. Here's my current gear
with sushi--I actually used a new food called Pot-au-feu but ffxigear doesn't show it yet...the food is still in the testing stage but I LOVE it. I notice on that the two rangers I partied with have bought some now too...damn now the price will start rising :(

Two parties with more than 1 RNG and it was great fun! First one a THF pulled till he dc'd and didn't return. Second one had a third RNG pulling. Ya, 3 RNGs, no COR. I was doing 180-210 normal shots with Scorp arrows. They were doing 110-150. BIG difference. One ranger kept throwing out a Sidewinder early in the fight and died 3X lol He wanted me to finish the mobs 3-5% with MY Sidewinder and I didn't --2 reasons tho. First and mostly, the colibri immediately went after him and so was either out of my range or sight AND I didn't want to waste MY Sidewinder LOL He finally disbanded.

I then saw the moon phase was 88% and rising...hmmm. Poor man's ebow here I come! I saw Burrett on and in San d'Oria so sent him a /tell and asked if he would help me. He was helping a friend but said he would come asap so I headed up to Uleguerand Range. I asked Shad also and he headed up too. By the time we both got there it was Full Moon but there were 15-20 people already there :( We tried 3 pops but there were too many and I didn't want to waste their time so I called it. dang.

I had to log for a few hours but when I got back on I checked the area and there was NO ONE THERE!!! Still Full Moon! Both Burr and Shad were in parties so I didn't bother them but headed up with my NPC. I was NIN/DNC.

It was an easy pop. I had to chase the rabbit footprint around a bit, much to the enjoyment of my son who was bored and watching :P but finally popped it in an aggro free spot. Thing were going good till 20% and it started spamming Wild carrot for 900+ :(
30 mins later it's still @ I send a pathetic plea to the LS for some more damage LOL tyty Joosie for running up on THF and helping me finish that damn coney. I swear the bunny had enough time to shit 3 of those bows! Or he just didn't want to go thru that agonizing stand off again...Selene's bow dropped!! yay! I owe Joos 2X now lol (he passed on NIN sarashi for me to get :) )

A good drops/bad run Dyna X next. Good drops as in Duelist's chapeau dropped off FIRST mob! wow! GRATZ Valiant!! 2 Koga tekkos dropped also! WOW gogo! That just puts me closer and closer to mine LOL Bad as in waaay too many deaths and bitching going on...

After dyna I decided to go try my hand at Aquarius but Shad was requesting some help in sky with dark elementals for zeni soooo...I changed to RDM and ran up to assist. Hells, he had it down pat, just needed a quicker damage so he could get it low enough to take pics. Other than me aggroing extra elementals, which I had to zone, it went pretty smooth.

NOW to head to Aquarius!!...and since I wasn't doing enough damage as NIN to a frickin BUNNY, I decided to try DNC. OK I will say now I need to get some meripos on DNC...I am waaay rusty. Worse than my RDM.
I hit the area that Aquarius spawns just in time to see it die :( so I logged off to wait the 2hrs with a movie. I log in and don't have long to wait till Aquarius shows up. Fully buffed from my NPC and with RR on I pull it.
I died very very quickly :(
BUT! Two of my LS mates are there cleaning weapons so I ask them if they would assist my pathetic DNC. Aquarius goes down with ease and the Fransisca is mine :)
tyty Override and Keepongo!!
Yes, my 2 least favorite people in the LS actually came to my rescue! I am chagrined.

All in all one of the better days I have had ingame recently LOL But I logged with the knowledge that my NIN/DNC doesn't do enough damage and my DNC/NIN is pathetic :(
Also, Ere is keeping a secret...hmmm

dnc, selene's bow, fransisca, rng, nin

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