Well, 10 days away from the LS has lessened my stress level considerably. Also bored the crap out of me LOL
What I have accomplished:
**Re-watched all my favorite movies...again
**watched my son cut and sew on his Choji akimichi outfit. Yes for an Animazement event coming later this month in Raleigh NC lol Its looking very good too! I'll post pics (secretly) once he gets done.
**Got Alchemy to 91.8 and then the stupid mats started getting too expensive (and rare) so put on hold for now. I honestly don't know why I am leveling it again. I never did the guild points thing so I won't (and don't want to) get the Emerelda furnishing, apron or club that gives +skill. I can't afford to try synthing cursed gear...and without the +skill items would have a LOW chance of any HQ anyways lol
**Got Smithing from 15 to level 22. It's a pretty easy craft at this level and cheap enough. I am bad for 'power leveling' a craft, not caring how much it costs or if I lose gil on leveling...and I can't afford much of that right now. Anyone need an Aspis...or 2 or 3?? LOL
**Got 7 more merits. Merited 2nd level No Foot Rise and Huton: San.
**Camped Sozu Sarberry, only to have it snatched from right under my nose, while letting my NPC rest, by a tarutaru named Cowcow...damndamn
**Got hit on in campaign on DNC...literally and figuratively LOL An elvaan dude started following me around, cheering, bowing...all the warning signs...then the pink "Hi, how are you"...and a general /tell conversation followed by a party invite...
Ok so he was a crazy DRK and needed some curing help...badly. A general conversation on campaign and merits continue then the ruh roh questions "You female?" "How old are you?"
Man, can't we just have fun campaigning???
"Bet you're not older than me"
"lol bet I am"
"I'm 21"
Ok I know any one who picks that nice LEGAL age, isn't.
"Yes I am way older"
"My Mom is 37...you can't be older than her"
I didn't want to tell him that his MOM could be my daughter...well if I had actually gotten pregnant when I started dating my now-ex. I was 16 when we got married...the first time...
"Yes I am. I'm just having fun campaigning ok?"
LONG silence.
"You won't hurt my feelings if you drop the party lol"
"oh sorry was afk...naw thats cool."
So we ended up campaigning for a few hours and talking in general. He sent a friend invite saying "You're fun to campaign with. Gimme a /tell when you want to campaign again together. ^^"
It reminded me of my sons friends. They come to the house and think it was soooo cool a 'gaming mom'. My son doesn't think its cool they sit and talk to me about the game lol One walked through one day and gave me what I call the 'whats up nod' then he laughed and said "dude I just nodded to your Mom!" funny!
DNC is ok in campaign. Bad thing is I kept getting hate and tanking...and dying. I prefer NIN/DNC.
I still do the xp scroll quest in Sacarium weekly and put it on my RNG lol whoohoo 800 to level 61! I am considering camping the Eastern shadow for the Vbow. That's the only way I'd finish RNG to 75. I won't actively level a job and be gimp and I can't afford an Ebow. Altho I prefer bolts to arrows go figure...
Hmmm, I could get Selene's bow -- the poor mans Ebow I hear, and use my Obow otherwise...hmmm then thats arrows AND bolts...
But nothing is going to happen if I don't get back on the game more. It's just so hard to WANT to...
My eclectic music playlist: