Apr 24, 2009 08:30
I mulled it over last night and shot Jojoe an email saying I was taking a break from the LS and if that was not OK then let me know and I'd just drop the pearl instead of just taking it off. Haven't heard back yet.
I'm THAT stressed and or 'worked up' over this stupid LS drama. I need a break away from the cowardly, stupid, rude, unhelpful assholes, half that are on an ego-driven loot-whorish power trip. The ones that just want their pixel toys at the expense of others...
How you present yourself, anywhere, is a reflection on who you are. For some it may be deep down, but the immature, unempathetic bully is there and a video game gives them the outlet for it. (or chat, or blogs ie: the internet). For some its out there irl for all to see (TG I don't know these people irl!!).
Its sad, depressing and kind of scary. The lack of empathy in todays generation.
My oldest son doesn't have that much empathy for others. He does have some but I think he doesn't show it as much for fear of being laughed at--the 'tough guy' attitude. My youngest does. I wonder how I raised them so differently.
I know I cry like a baby at movies, TV shows, the neighbors cat getting ran over, ours dying--he was old and (damn him) wandered off to die by himself. I've always championed the underdog and stood up for the oppressed. Bah that sounds so pretentious. But youknowwhatimean. lol
My favorite saying EVER is:
I have wept in the night for the shortness of sight that to somebodys need made me blind. But I have never yet felt a tinge of regret for being a little too kind. ~anon
I don't give a crap if this is a game and I hate the attitude that if you can't handle the assholes get out. Well, I am getting out. It's been coming. Lately, when I have logged in, I dont even say hello in the LS. Its like walking into an empty room there...the echo goes on and on...
The 'not' part of the title is...it will be kind of nice to get on the game and actually not be stressed. Sure, there goes any and all hope of getting some gear I wanted but THE GAMES ENJOYMENT, FOR ME, DOESN'T DEPEND ON THAT GEAR!!!
I can do, now, what I want when I get on the game. Whether it just be campaign, farming, camping or helping the random person. I can concentrate on getting my NIN and DNC merited fully. I can do random pick-up parties for things.
I don't have to dread getting on because of some assholes.
Yea, a temp break is needed. I can't see the attitudes changing and it's that I don't like. The elitist and loot-whoring attitudes. Override has lost any and all of my respect. Vor lost it a long time ago.
I'm not meant for an 'end-game' LS lolendgame. pfft.
The down side is the few people I do like will, most likely, wave in passing but go on. Can't have your cake and eat it too ~.o
axi drama,