Helping...and other irritations

Jul 11, 2009 09:56

Ok peeps! I have said over and over and over...I don't mind helping people. I dont mind!

when I am killing the mob and you are afk...
when I am killing the mob and you are afk and I am dying...
when I am killing the mob and you are afk and I am dying and wasting time sending calls...
when I am killing the mob and you are afk and I am dying and wasting time sending calls and you are still afk...
when I am killing the mob and you are afk and I am dying and wasting time sending calls and you are still afk and you are dying now too...


I need to stop offering to help people till I get ranger to 75. I had, HAD! plans of a level every 2-3 days doing campaign. Well I have gotten a total of 15k xp points in a week!!! grrrr The changing gear between NIN and RNG is a pain lol

Oh yes! I want to mention my new little buddy Bay and his rl gf Kaia. Both taru (surprised? lol) and of course cute as buttons. I met Bay while camping Eastern Shadow. He was always there, silent. Once we got to talking he told me his ranger is lvl 1 but he wont level it until he gets the Vbow...I'm like...huh?!? lol But thats his way. A little perfectionist methinks :P Heh, no biggie. We weren't really competing since he was always 'just standing there'.
  Well, with the snuck in night maint and me losing the ToD I gave up on ES for now...Bay didnt. The poor lil taru had been camping that bow for weeks! He went 1/23. Yes, he FINALLY got it!!
  We became buddies and decided to do assaults together for the  phl legs ( ) since they are good for rng. We picked The Double Agent assault since its just the 3 of us and its toooo fun! We seldom miss finding the spy on the first try and we havent lost a run yet. At 1000-1320 pts each run, another week and we'll have it.
  I'm slipping that I dont have a screenshot of them yet...I will soon tho and I'll post it :P They are nice people. They are the ones that Shad had called botters (earlier post). Shad is such a mixed up person...

SE pull a fast one on gardeners. They banned alot of people who had multiple mules that raised crops to NPC...
So now I am afraid to garden. Alot of people are getting rid of their gardening mules (buh bye money for SE). Its just too weird.

Had one dude buy single quivers of acid bolts from my mule for 10X the amount...not once but 3 times!!! whoa. Well I will refund the overage to him of course. lol He kinda needs to pay attention tho :P
I saw Erecia got over paid on Fumas. 2mil instead of 200k. Wonder if he returned the overage LOL bet not. Also bet I dont see the 600k Erecia owes me!!!

So the next update is July 20th! whooohoo! Can't wait for the ninja JA update!

gardening, eastern shadow, bay, rng, kaia, taru, helping, nin

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