Jun 05, 2005 20:39
Here's mine.........copy and paste the questions and put them in your journal! Ya better, you know you are BORED TOO!!!!!!
1. First name: Paula
2. Were you named after anyone? My Moms Mother
3. Do you wish on stars? Yeah I do.
4. When did you last cry? Friday night before last.
5. Do you like your handwriting? Yeah
6. What is your favorite lunch meat? Turkey
7. What is your most embarrassing CD? According to EVERYONE...ALL OF THEM
8. If you were another person, would YOU be friends with you? Yeppers
9. Do you have a journal? Ummm, you are reading it!
10. Do you use sarcasm a lot? Duh, did you see the last answer? I think that would be a YES!
11. What are your nicknames? I don't know if I have any...do I????
12. Would you bungee jump? Maybe.
13. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? does anyone?
14. Do you think that you are strong? not physically, but mentally...75% of the time..other times not so much.
15. What is your favorite ice cream flavor? Chocolate...anything Chocolate
16. Shoe Size? 9
17. Red or pink? Red
18. What is your least favorite thing about yourself? My self esteem or lack thereof.
19. Who do you miss most? two people, one is my mom.
20. Do you want everyone who reads your journal entry to do answer these questions? YES
21. What color pants or dress or skirt and shoes are you wearing? ummmmmm, none and none
22. What are you listening to right now? The Tony Awards....some screeching woman who is giving me a headache....reaching for the mute button as I type!
23. Last thing you ate? a Salad
24. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Burnt Orange
25. What is the weather like right now? NOT RAINING!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!
26. Last person you talked to on the phone? Christy Swimm
27. The first thing you notice about the opposite gender? Humor
28. Do you like the person whose journal you "stole" this from? Yep
29. Favorite Drink? Hello, who doesn't KNOW ME! Coke!
30. Favorite Sport? Remote Control Flipping....is that a sport? I like to watch Football.
31. Hair Color? Brownish
32. Eye Color? Green
33. Do you wear contacts? When I am not LAZY
34. Favorite Food? Most anything, especially if I don't have to make it.
35. Last Movie You Watched? Star Wars III
36. Favorite Day Of The Year? It changes depending on who I get to spend it with
37. Scary Movies Or Happy Endings? Happy Endings
38. Summer Or Winter? Winter
39. Hugs OR Kisses? Kisses
40. What Is Your Favorite Dessert? Cupcakes
41. Who Is Most Likely To Respond? NO ONE
42. Who Is Least Likely To Respond? Everyone
43. Living Arrangements? Apt/Alone
44. What Books Are You Reading? Star Wars Lab. of Evil (prequel to episode 3)
45. What's On Your Mouse Pad? Tiger
46. What Did You Watch Last night on TV? MASH TV series
47. Favorite Smells? Roses
48. Favorite Sounds? Laughter
49. Rolling Stones or Beatles? Rolling Stones
50. What's the furthest you've been from home? Las Vegas
51. Do you have a special talent? I don't think so, anyone got something they think I do is special???
52. What is your ring tone? Normal ring...phone is too old to download anything and I am poor and can't get another one.
There....now its your turn!