Here's the story on Bath and Body Works Store 525. Its over. We're done. We've closed. On August 2 (or was it 3) it will reopen (no idea if the same number) as a Flagship store. Where a guest might purchase $150 face cremes and such. Anywho, basically the company or the DM or something (SOMEONE) screwed us all over. None of the management staff were given positions in the new store, or a position in any other store for that matter. The new management team has been pulled from other stores, with flagship experience.
So, us associates have been a wee bit upset, most of us have worked with this team only, I've been with this team since I began, except for Merc, who was my fourth store manager in that store. But my favourite :) So, the associates were all called to meet with the new store manger and co manager and sales team leader she called herself (sven though she's a sales lead and there's more tha one of them). Mum was not called, neither was a few others. When I met with them, they had no idea I was a sales associate, let alone a WDC (wrap desk coordinator (i have register keys)), they thought i was only floorset. Shows what research they did. Apparently, they assumed such with all of the girls. Side note: I have worked for the company longer than all three of them that I met with. Anyways, the sales lead talked the whole time, the other two barely made eye contact. When they did, they asked me questions about my training (if you want to know, i'll tell you, it just infuriates me to type it). They want my availability. Nope.
Basically, if i stay with the company, i will transfer to another store. I need to make some calls, probably tomorrow. I can't work for those people in that store, knowing what they did to all of us, but especially to our beloved managers. So the other night we got together, went to Friday's and enjoyed ourselves, and then went to Patty's and enjoyed ourselves even more. Patty made jungle juice :) Work at 8 am the next morning kinda sucked, but hey. No biggie :) I miss working there..and I miss my girls in Ames..but we'll see what the future holds for all of us...