Room 406, late morning til evening.

Mar 04, 2007 11:10

After the Perk, Isabel returned to her room, made a few handwavey phone calls and then tried to pack. If you can call randomly taking things in and out of drawers packing. Annie sat on the bed watching her, seeming to sense something was going on.

The door was cracked open.

[ooc: If you think you would have gotten a phone call, you did. I'm ( Read more... )

jack, jarod, greg, cedric, sam carter, antar ho!, 406, anders, parker, alanna

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mparkerceo March 4 2007, 21:50:03 UTC
Parker came by with a box half-way through the afternoon. "How are you doing?" she asked, not looking at Isabel.


izzyalienqueen March 4 2007, 21:54:53 UTC
Isabel had been comtemplating her iPod. "Do you think it's worthwhile to bring it? What will I do when the battery runs down?" she asked, not answering Parker's question.


mparkerceo March 4 2007, 21:56:39 UTC
"Get something to re-charge it. They have to have electricity there. Or the equivalent." Parker put the box down carefully on the desk, and slid Isabel a glancing look. "Between your abilities and a power source, you could probably keep it going for a while." She was quiet. "Something to hang onto, if it gets too crazy."


izzyalienqueen March 4 2007, 22:02:39 UTC
"Or if it sucks entirely and I just want to tune it all out." Isabel shook her head, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that."


mparkerceo March 4 2007, 22:08:08 UTC
"No, it's fine." If this had been last night, Parker would have grabbed onto that like a lifeline, and tried to talk Isabel out of going. But her short breakdown on Jack had made her re-assess her attitude. Isabel needed support, not a fight. "You don't have to be thrilled about going. Or what you've got to face."


izzyalienqueen March 4 2007, 22:24:27 UTC
"I'm not," she admitted. "But it's what I have to do. At least I'll get a chance to make up for what I did before."


mparkerceo March 4 2007, 22:31:49 UTC
"You didn't do anything. Don't let anyone tell you that you did-- Vilandra is dead and gone. You have nothing to make up for." Parker finally looked up, and tapped her fingers on the box. "I'm going to miss you."


izzyalienqueen March 4 2007, 23:35:04 UTC
"Hopefully they'll agree. If not," Isabel shrugged, I'll take the next Vogon ship home." She put the iPod carefully in one of the zippered outer compartments of her bag and risked a look at Parker. "Back at ya babe."


mparkerceo March 4 2007, 23:41:03 UTC
Parker smirked at her, faking an amusement that didn't go very deep, and said, "And in the interests of making sure I miss you for as short a time as possible--" She picked up the box and handed it over. "A few things to help you stay safe and well, and one to remind you of what you're leaving behind." The small, paperback-sized photo album under the jacket wouldn't be hard to take along anywhere, even if they moved bases several times.


izzyalienqueen March 4 2007, 23:52:13 UTC
Grateful for the distraction, Isabel opened the box. Despite how upset she felt, she couldn't help but exclaim over the jacket and immediately try it on. "Parker this is gorgeous."

The knife went into her pants pocket, and after a long look thru the album was tucked carefully in her bag. "Like I could ever forget. But this makes it easier."


mparkerceo March 4 2007, 23:56:29 UTC
Parker adjusted the lapels on the jacket, even though they didn't need it. "Well. Something to make a good impression on the resistance types. Seriously dangerous, and all that." She swallowed. "I don't want to make this hard on you. I just-- I just want you to be careful. Please?"


izzyalienqueen March 5 2007, 00:03:08 UTC
"Exactly. Don't piss me off or I'll kick your ass." Hands clenched at her sides, Isabel nodded. "I will. I promise."


mparkerceo March 5 2007, 00:06:44 UTC
"And when you get back-- when, not if-- no matter how late or soon it is, you can call me. If you need anything, help, or a place to crash.... find me, and you'll get it." Parker clenched her hands on Isabel's shoulders. "Okay?"


izzyalienqueen March 5 2007, 00:14:18 UTC
"Yes mom," she said, trying hard not let her voice shake. "I promise, you'll probably be the first person I call."


mparkerceo March 5 2007, 00:16:54 UTC
"Okay," Parker whispered, looking down. "Give us a hug, Isabel. And stay safe."


izzyalienqueen March 5 2007, 00:21:12 UTC
"I can do that," Isabel said, hugging Parker tightly. "You're one of the best friends I ever had, you know that right?"


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