Room 406, late afternoon to evening

Mar 03, 2007 20:40

Talking to Peter still being played had made Max's call that much more real. Isabel returned to her room, made several phone calls, and then sat on her bed trying to figure out how to break the news.

Jack was in a good mood - curious about Izzy's call, but not letting himself recognise that there'd been something slightly off in her voice - as he strode down the hall to Isabel's room and tapped out a cheery knock.

Isabel took a deep breath and steeled herself for what was sure to be an extremely painful conversation. "It's open," she called.

His good mood dissipated when he opened the door and saw Isabel, the way she was sitting, her expression, telling him something was wrong. Brows furrowed, he knelt in front of her. "Izzy?"

Reaching out she brushed his hair back off his face. "Hi."

"Hi yourself," he said gently, smiling briefly at the feel of her fingers in his hair. "What's wrong?"

Nothing, she started to say but stopped before uttering a sound. She couldn't lie. "Can it wait till Parker gets here? I just want to do this once."

No, no, no. Whatever this was, it had to be bad, and he wanted to know now. Not a trace of what he was feeling touched his face as he took her hand, slipping his fingers through hers. Keeping his voice light, he said, "Okay," and turned to sit on the floor, leaning against her legs, their joined hands resting on her knee. "You called her, too?"

Isabel slipped down to sit next to him, leaning against his shoulder. "I did. She'll be here soon."

It couldn't be soon enough for Jack, but he just smiled and put an arm around her waist. "And what will we do to pass the time, I wonder," he teased, his hand sliding to her hip to tuck her tighter against his side.

"Tell me a story?" she asked quietly. "Something silly and fun?"

"Silly and fun, huh?" he asked, wracking his brains for something, anything, to distract her with. "How about the time I got kicked off a planet, butt naked?"

Isabel laughed once, stopping when it threatened to turn into tears. "Silly, fun and pretty. Nice."

Parker knocked on the door, and checked her watch, frowning, wondering what was up. "Isabel?"

"Hey Parker," Isabel said. She could tell Jack was impatient to hear what she had to say, and small talk really wasn't going to accomplish anything. Squeezing Jack's hand one last time Isabel got to her feet.

"I got a call from Max this afternoon."

Jack stayed where he was, watching Isabel, watching Parker, staying calm by main force of will.

At the mention of Max, he stiffened, sitting up straight, all his bad feelings crystallising into a certainty he didn't want to acknowledge. No.

"What's the Royal Goofboy need this time? More bail money?" Parker gave Isabel a sardonic look. "Not that I shouldn't sympathize at this point, and yet... no. It's Max."

"I wish," Isabel muttered. Hands clenched, she took a breath. "There's a way back. We leave tomorrow."

"What? No!" Parker was up and pacing, pointing at Isabel, her voice rising. "He can't do that! He did this last year, gave you absolutely no warning and then it didn't work, the stupid Grail thing got blown up-- what the hell, Max! Tell him you won't go!"

Jack had surged to his feet at Isabel's words, ready to add his voice to Parker's, but he subsided.

Parker could say it better than he could, and he didn't trust himself to be even close to rational.

"I'm pretty sure it'll work this time," she said, staring at the floor and refusing to meet their eyes. From the description Max gave her, it sounds like the same technology Kivar used when he left the beach. "And the Granolith did work. It's just that we let Tess go alone."

"Okay, and that's no reason for you to go now. Just because you can go, doesn't mean this is a good time or a good idea. What the hell is Max thinking? You three against an entire planet, how is that a good idea?"

"There's a resistance," Isabel said. "They'll be waiting for us. They need us. Need what we represent." Folding her arms tightly across her chest, she sighed. "We always knew this was going to happen. It's not like it's a surprise."

"Maybe. But it wasn't supposed to happen now." Jack was leaning against the wall, arms folded, face carefully expressionless, but his eyes were dark, his body tense. "Not yet, not like this, dragging you off with no warning and no time to plan."

"You were going to have back-up," Parker agreed. "People to go with you. This is not a plan! You and Max and Michael as figureheads, how is that a plan?"

"It's not? Okay, I know that," she said as her voice started to shake. "But I'm not going to let them go alone. I'd never be able to forgive myself if something happened to them."

It was automatic, a reaction deeper than thought, that propelled Jack forward to settle his hands on Isabel's shoulders when he heard the quiver in her voice. "I know, Isabel. I know."

His eyes met Parker's, and his were hopeless, asking, What do we do?, as clearly as if he'd shouted it.

Parker's eyes closed, knowing they'd already lost the whole shebang right there. Max and Michael said they needed her, therefore Isabel would go. No matter what they said, or how scared she was.

Parker sighed and moved forward to place a hand on Isabel's shoulder, then rose to stroke her hair, looking at Jack despairingly. "Does it have to be now? This soon? They can't wait a week, a month.... until we can go with you?"

Isabel straightened her shoulders, pulling herself together with a visible effort. "I wish. But it has to be now. Something about the technology. Besides, I don't want to see you guys get hurt in our fight. I want you to be safe."

Parker shot Jack a look that plainly said, Say something! then shook her head. "That wouldn't matter. You know that, right?"

For once, Jack didn't know what to say, glib words failing to trip off his tongue while he clenched his eyes shut. He felt like someone had just ripped the heart out of him.

Swallowing hard, he opened them and said, "And we want you to be safe. We," I, "need to know you're safe. That's more important than either of us." He leaned around Isabel until he could see her face. "And knowing that, you're just going to leave? Not even give us a chance to help?"

"You'd be willing to just walk away from Sam and Cedric?" she asked quietly, gently touching his cheek. "Or even worse? Put them in danger if they decide they need to come along as well?"

Isabel turned her attention to Parker, "And would you be willing to stop trying to accomplish everything you're aiming for? After all we went through last night? Are you willing to let that go to fight someone else's fight?"

Parker looked away, pushing a hand through her hair. "It could wait," she said, voice very quiet. "It's not time-sensitive, I'll be able to do this when I got back."

Probably. Maybe. Or not....

Isabel shook her head. "No. I won't let either of you do that. You've got lives of your own and you're not putting them on hold for me."

Smiling sadly she shrugged, "Besides, I'll feel better knowing you guys are still here dealing with the wackiness."

The breath Jack let out was shaky with relief. He hadn't had to choose. "There's nothing we can do to change your mind, is there?" he asked, a weird smile twisting the corner of his mouth, because he already knew the answer.

"Nope. I'm stubborn like that," she said.

Parker's eyes filled with tears, and her mouth hardened into a line. The scowl on her face was to keep them in check as much as from anger. "You aren't going to get hurt," she ordered Isabel. "You're going to call if you can. And you're going to come back as soon as possible. Yes?"

Isabel nodded, fighting her own tears. "I'll try," she promised, not sure it would actually be possible. They'd already died once. She really didn't hold out much hope for the second time around.

"No trying," he said harshly. "Trying's not good enough. Just do it." He gave the lie to his harsh words by stroking his hand down her arm, gently, as if she'd break under a stronger touch. He knew one of them would; right now, he wasn't sure which it would be.

Lacing her fingers through his, Isabel squeezed Jack's hand. "I'll do my best."

"I still need to tell Greg."

Parker leaned over, and put her arms around Isabel, giving her a quick, hard, hug. "We'll go. But you *have* to tell us when you're coming back, as soon as you know." She bit her lower lip, squeezing her eyes shut. "Be careful," she whispered as she pulled away.

The hug hurt, Isabel realized. Because it felt final. "I will. Thank you," she whispered. "For everything."

Letting go of Parker, she turned to Jack. "It's going to be okay."

No it's not. But he didn't say it. Instead he smiled, bright and blinding, and nodded. "It's going to be okay." Then Jack was hugging her, holding her as tightly as he could, his face buried in her hair because there was no part of any of this that was okay.

She held on just as tightly, resting her head against his shoulder and drawing in a shaky breath.

Inch by inch, he pulled away, staring at the floor long enough to school his features. When he lifted his head, he looked relaxed, even his eyes were calm.

Jack was an exceptional liar.

He stood there, would have stayed standing there, maybe forever, if Parker hadn't taken his hand, closing her fingers tight around his, and led him out, letting the door slip shut behind them.

Isabel waited until the door was closed before finally giving into her tears.

[OOC: Preplayed with time_agent and mparkerceo. Post locked to like_a_sponge]

antar ho!, jack, 406, greg, parker

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