Room 406, Early Saturday Morning

Jul 08, 2006 10:55

After staying up way too late at Jarod's birthday party, Isabel had planned on sleeping in. The ringing phone had other ideas.


"Oh hi mom."

"Yes, I was. There was a big birthday party for my friend's boyfriend last night. I was out late."

"No, I do not make a habit of it."

"Mom, come on. It's summer. We're supposed to have fun."

"I promise."

"You did? When? For how long?"

"Okay. I'll be there."

"I know, I miss you all to."

"Love you to. I will. Bye."

Isabel closed the phone and climbed back into bed. Somehow she didn't think she was going to get back to sleep.

back in roswell, 406, phone call

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