Rooms 406 & 438, Tuesday afternoon

Feb 26, 2008 16:18

As Isabel argued with the Portalocity people about a last minute portal to Roswell, she thought about how much easier it would be to just call Wyatt and get him to orb her to Michael. But given what she suspected of happening, and how proud she knew Michael was; she didn't think swooping in with Wyatt would be a good idea.

Yet she still didn't want to go alone. Not when she remembered how badly things had gone when she and Max had tried to deal with Hank for her Michael so long ago. But there was someone who Michael had trusted enough to tell about Hank. And Isabel was pretty sure that he'd be more then willing to help.

After making all the arrangements for the portal, Isabel made her way down the hall and knocked on Dean's door.

"It's open!" Dean called out.

"Hey Dean," Isabel said as she opened the door and came in the room. "Feel like a road trip?"

"Maybe," Dean said cautiously.

"Michael called. He wants to come to back," she explained. "Something happened. I don't know exactly what, but my money's on Hank."

Dean frowned in concern. "Did he sound alright?"

Isabel wiggled her hand back and forth. "He sounded stressed more then anything. I told him to go to the Crashdown, a local diner, and wait. He'll be safe there."

"Right." He was already getting up and throwing some stuff in his duffle bag.

Leaning against the door, Isabel watched him pleased that her instincts were right. "The closest portal I could get at the last minute was to Carlsbad," she told him. "That's about sixty miles from Roswell. So we'll need to take my car."

"What kind of car is it?"

"A Volkswagen. Why?"

Dean made a face. "No offense, sweetheart, but that's not a car. It hopes to be a car when it grows up maybe, but it's not a car."

"And your car is more manly," she said, rolling her eyes. "Fine. You can drive." All Isabel really cared about was getting to Michael as soon as possible.

"The Impala also has a weapons arsenal in the trunk," Dean pointed out. "Not to mention would eat any old Volkswagon for breakfast if it came to a road race."

Isabel's car had a tire iron in the trunk. "Okay, good point. Although if we need them? That's going to be very bad. Just promise me you won't speed once we reach the city limits. We don't need the sheriff's attention."

"Don't worry," Dean told her. "I know how to keep a low profile."

"Part of the demon hunting job description?" Isabel asked. "And speaking of low profile..."

She passed her hand over her hair, darkening it and changing the style to something not quite as extreme as Lonnie's punk-do but definitely different from the style she remembered herself wearing four years ago. "I doubt they'd be there but just in case Michael's Max or Isabel is around? No need to scare them with an exact double."

"Yeah, when you're not used to it, that kind of thing tends to make a person yell 'doppleganger!' or 'shapeshifter!' and try to shoot them with a silver bullet," Dean said with a grin. "Or maybe that's just me."

"Well in our case it's more 'evil duplicate clones!' Only they're lucky enough that they haven't had that particular pleasure yet," she replied before glancing at her watch. "The portal's in twenty minutes. You almost ready?"

"Yep," Dean said, closing his duffle and throwing it over his shoulder.

"Good," Isabel said, stepping back into the hallway. "Thanks for doing this Dean. I appreciate it."

Dean waved the thanks off. "Hey, us big siblings have to stick together."

"It's a small, exclusive club," she grinned, starting towards the stairs. "We'll need to invite Nathan to our next meeting."

"Now let's not go completely crazy now..."

[Preplayed with the most awesome saltandammo, NFI but OOC is <3]

michael, dean, 406

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