RP with mys_tique.

May 26, 2007 16:11

Contains a lot of angst, some girl!sex, and Nathaniel Essex being very over-protective of his assistant.

Mystique sighed, pushing her way through the crowded airport. She wanted nothing more than to exit the chaos, grab Isobel and release her anxiety in the girl's car. She tapped her foot impatiently, resisting the urge to push the older couple in front of her down the escalator. Travel had become increasingly more annoying in the past few years and she almost yearned for the day when only the wealthy were able to afford the ride. At least then the vehicles had been comfortable. Now they let anyone on board.

She spotted Isobel as soon as she entered the baggage area and her carryon in front of her. Taking a moment to enjoy the girl's frazzled appearance. An enticing little treat to enjoy after the hectic, mindnumbing endeavor flying from Paris to Savannah. Isobel didn't know which form she had taken and her gaze darted about, uncertain and anxious. Mystique walked by, coming to stand behind the girl and leaned into her.

"Hello, poppet."

Isobel stiffened, suffused immediately with curious mixture of restless desire and fear that Raven still inspired within her. She swallowed. "H-hi, Raven. Um." She reached out, trying to be helpful. "Can I--carry something for you?" She was nervous, both at seeing her again and about SHIELD finding out. Dr. Essex had promised to cover for--by which, he'd said he had no intention of discussing Isobel's romantic liaisons with SHIELD--but there were people watching him. So maybe there were people watching her, too.

Not that Raven looked like Mystique, at the moment. She just looked like anyone else. Isobel hadn't been able to sleep, really, the previous night. Thinking about Raven. Her pulse was racing and she was breathing very shallowly.

"How nice," Mystique murmured, drawing her finger along Isobel's neck. "I bet if I checked your pulse it would be racing. And no, I do not believe I need help to carry this annoyance." She kicked her suitcase and nodded towards the exit. "However, you can help make my stay at this airport end. The sooner the better, Isobel, or I will not be responsible for what I do to the next loudmouthed child that crashes into me."

"Raven, no hurting small children," Isobel said with a small smile. She grabbed her lover's hand and grinned, enthusiastically tugging her along towards the exit. "The hotel is great. I went and put my stuff there already and checked in, just like you said. Four whole days of freedom!" She gave a little laugh. "I have to call Dr. Essex once so he knows you didn't kill me, which is sort of sweet but crazy, but I have no work to do or anything."

Raven had flown into the smaller Savannah airport, unlike Rachel, who always flew to Atlanta. It was a good thing, too. Raven would have killed someone for sure at Hartsfield. The Lexus was parked outside, and Isobel pressed the keyfob button to unlock the doors. It was spring in Savannah, which meant everything was in bloom and it was already in the eighties during the hottest part of the day. "Our hotel has a pool. I hope you brought a suit, or you could borrow one of mine. Oh, wait." Her brow wrinkled. "You don't need a suit, do you? You can just make clothes appear. God, that has got to be awesome." Isobel slid into the car, turning on the air conditioning immediately.

"I rarely wear clothes, Isobel. They merely get in my way." Mystique leaned back against the seat, taking a deep breath and felt herself relax. Pleased to be out of the mass chaos. Alone with her...what precisely was this mere girl? To her. Irene and Anna had both given their blessings for this fledgling relationship but Mystique was still uncertain what she wanted from this. The girl was a good fuck. An excellent listener. But she'd had one great love. She had no time for another. They only ended badly. With her lover leaving her. Dying.

She strummed her fingers along the console, irritated, and looked out the window, watching the scenery go by. Intent on not looking at the girl. This was foolish. Dangerous. No good could come of this.

Raven looked pissed. Isobel stopped chattering. God. Why did she always do that? She wished she was more suave, or something. Classier. Someone who knew more about history and art. Or, maybe, how to use a gun. She'd never even seen a gun. And here she was, dating an assassin. But Isobel didn't think she was very interesting. So maybe she would just not talk.

After all, a little voice in her mind taunted, Raven didn't want her for her mind.

Suddenly, Isobel began to worry. That this was a pleasant diversion for Raven and nothing more, and she, Isobel, was going to end up with a broken heart.

She'd bought Raven a present. It was sitting on the bed, in the hotel room. With a bouquet of irises. Oh, God. Why had she done that?

Mystique could sense the girl's tension and watched her entire body tense. Hands gripping the wheel just a little tighter. Brow scrunched in worry. Because of her, of how she was reacting. She especially didn't like the knot of guilt in her stomach, screaming at her to say something comforting. Which was laughable. She was anything but comforting. If that was what Isobel wanted in a relationship it would be best to end this now. She didn't have time for caring for another person. Rogue and the neverending love for her dead lover took up enough of her days.

Except that was the problem. Isobel had already wormed her way into her thoughts. Taking up space. Up time and energy that would better be focused on planning her next mission, meeting with contacts. Anything else but worrying about the girl.

Mystique glared at her reflection, mouth tightening into a snarl. This was not conducive to relaxing. "Talk about something, little girl," she demanded, wanting to stop thinking. The girl's endless chatter should help.

Isobel blinked. "I--um. I'm not--I don't know what to talk about," she said, looking anxious. Isobel gave a brief verbal tour of Savannah as they drove towards their hotel. Raven had booked them in a swanky, expensive hotel a few blocks from the house Isobel shared with Dr. Essex. It wasn't a cozy bed and breakfast--of which there were many in Savannah--but was a sleek, modern building with brass and a doorman waiting with clasped hands.

The car had a valet service. Isobel handed over the keys and raked a hand through her hair, waiting. "Should we--go in?"

"Unless you can explain why standing outside is a good plan," Mystique snapped. The girl looked as though she had been slapped and she pursed her lips annoyed. Pinched the bridge of her nose. "The room, Isobel. Just take me there."

Isobel gave a brief nod. She felt miserable. She wanted to go home. She didn't understand other people, ever. Especially women. Especially complicated women. Why the hell did she have to be a lesbian, again? Ugh. Isobel went to the elevator and pressed the button for the fourth floor. They rode in silence, and she moved towards the room, growing more anxious with each step.

Isobel opened the door with the electronic key. It was a nice room. A suite. A pretty balcony and a sitting room. Large bathroom with a huge tub. Maybe she could distract Raven, and keep her from going into the bedroom where the gift was. It was a stupid gift, anyway.

Mystique leaned her suitcase against the doorway and walked further into the suite, silently inspecting it. It would do. She dropped down onto the couch and watched the girl carefully. Silently assessing her. "You are troubled." She tilted her head, her expression not at all friendly. "Why?" she asked, even though she already knew the answer. Her horrid behavior was the cause of the girl's anxious behavior.

Isobel would need to toughen up if they were to--To what? Mystique leaned back on the couch, waving her hand for the girl to continue.

Isobel stared at her, feeling the first stirrings of anger. "Gee, Raven. I wonder. Hey, let me ask you a question. Are you even glad to see me? At all? Do you even--" she stopped, pressing her fingers to her temple. "Never mind. I'm sure you don't care. I know what I am to you. So, do you want me to strip and go lay on the bed, or do you want to just fuck right there on the sofa?"

She wasn't being very nice. But something about Raven's chilly behavior was pissing her off. And anger, at the moment, was better than fear.

Mystique laughed, thorougly amused. "My dear, I never expressed that this was going to be anything but what it is. I do find your anger to be quite amusing though." She leaned forward, tapping her lips. Unable to stop smiling. "Please continue."

Isobel felt her eyes sting with tears. "I know. But you don't get to control everything about this, you know. Namely, me, or the way I feel about things." She shook her head, disgusted with herself. "I'm glad I amuse you. That's what I'm good for." She laughed, a little wildly. "This is stupid. I'm stupid. Don't mind me." She turned away. She wasn't going to cry. "I bought you a present. I put it in the bedroom. You can go see it, if you want. Maybe it'll make you laugh, too."

Isobel walked away, onto the little porch. She needed to get some air.

Mystique rolled her eyes at the dramatics and rose, opening her suitcase and pulling out the laptop. She checked her e-mail. Mailed off responses to a few clients. Anything but looking back at the girl. She could see her reflected in the television screen. Hunched over, looking out. Isobel was going to need to toughen up. That was all there was to this. She shut down the laptop and leaned back, closing her eyes. Ignoring the girl. The entire situation.

Irene's voice echoed in her head. Calling her foolish. Growling, she rose and kicked the small table, storming out after the girl. She stopped, leaning against the doorframe and sneered. Not herself feel any remorse. "What did you think was going to happen this week? With us, Isobel?" she asked, her voice cold. "I am not nice. Surely you have realized that by now."

She was not going to cry. She was not. "I don't know. And yeah, I know." I thought maybe you'd be nice to me. "I should know. I'm definitely getting the point now." Something occurred to her. Isobel turned around, very slowly. She gazed thoughtfully at Raven. "You--you're going out of your way to make sure I know it, aren't you?"

Mystique crossed her arms. Defensive. "This is simply how I am, Isobel. With everyone."

"No it isn't," Isobel challenged, stepping closer. "You don't care enough about other people to try and hammer the point home over and over again." She lifted her chin. "Go open my present. It's on the bed."

Mystique raised a brow. "Are you giving me orders?" The girl didn't back down, kept up her challenging stance and Mystique shrugged. "Very well, little one but only because I am curious as to what you think I will enjoy." She turned on her heel and looked down at the rectangular box on the bed. At least it was wrapped simply, nothing flashy with a couple of irises. Her favorite flower.

That didn't please her. That Isobel had deduced which flower she would prefer. Hopefully it had been by accident. She pushed the flowers out of the way and picked up the box, carelessly unwrapping it. Nearly dropping it when she saw the ivory handled dagger. A rarity. She'd only seen one before like this and that had been a gift from Irene. "How quaint," she stated, dropping the dagger back onto the bed. Annoyed. "You bought me a weapon."

And you don't even need it to hurt me. Isobel nodded. "The flower. Irises? They always made me sort of uneasy. A little too much, a little scary. Like you. The dagger, it was pretty. Simple and elegant and rare." Isobel turned her back and walked out of the room. She was going to go home and eat ice cream. A lot of ice cream. "I'm leaving. I'm no one's toy, Raven. Not yours, not anymore. It's not enough for me. I'm sorry I'm not enough for you." There were already tears, but she didn't care. All she wanted to do was get to the door. Get away. "It's been fun. Have a nice life."

It was hard to say that last bit. But she said it anyway. If she was going to walk out on Raven Darkholme, she could at least have one good line to end it on.

Mystique narrowed her eyes, staring at the girl's retreating form. She picked up the dagger and threw it, pleased when the girl jumped as it slammed into the door. "Take your gift with you." She walked into the bathroom. Not wanting to watch Isobel leave. It was better for the girl to do so now then in fifty years when she died of old age, cradled in her arms. Mystique refused to endure that again.

Isobel drove home, sobbing, not caring that people were staring at her. She parked the car in front of the house with relief--the hotel wasn't that far away, but it had felt like hours in the car--and ran up the front door, throwing it open. All of her stuff was back at the hotel. The cute little black thing she'd bought to wear to bed. It didn't matter. The house was cool--Dr. Essex was overly fond of the air conditioner--and she closed the door, leaning against it. Glad to be somewhere else. Safe.

I can't believe that it's over.

But had she expected anything else?


Isobel turned, wiping her eyes, to see Dr. Essex in the hallway. He was peering at her curiously. His hair was down, loose around his shoulders. She'd never seen him like that, before. "Is something the matter?"

She tried to say no. Instead, she took two steps forward and threw herself at him. "Uh huh," she wailed, crying. She had no thought that maybe hugging her evil boss was a bad idea. Right then, she just wanted someone to hug her.

"Ah--" Dr. Essex was very tense. His hand patted her back, very awkwardly. "What--what is it? Is it Raven?"

Isobel nodded. She cried harder. Dr. Essex smelled nice. Like tobacco and mint. Familiar. Like family. God. Her life was so fucked up.

"Well, then, shall I kill her?"

She looked up. "Um--would you? Really?"

He nodded. "Of course. I rarely make that threat and do not mean it, Isobel."

Oh, God.

She shook her head. "N-no. I j-just want her t-to hurt. Like I do, right now."

"I am very good at torture," he offered helpfully. He had an arm around her waist, and started walking her to the kitchen. Isobel walked along with him, sniffling and wiping at her eyes. He led her to the island, and she sat down, waiting while he went about--was he making tea?

"Of course I am. I am British. This is what we do in times of stress. Blitzkreig--bloody tea, everywhere, would you believe it?"

"No," she said, giving him a watery smile. "Um. I'm sorry I hugged you."

He waved a hand. "Do not worry. Here, now, tell me what happened." He glanced at her, then smiled. "I shan't actually kill her, Isobel. Though if you do want me to torture her, you only have to say the word."

"I thought you had a conscience now," Isobel joked weakly.

"Not as much as you would think, apparently," he said, and turned back to the tea. Isobel told him the story. He didn't seem affected until she mentioned the dagger--he slammed his hand on the counter, making her jump. "That makes me very angry," he said quietly, and he went perfectly, completely still. His eyes were narrowed. In the light of the kitchen, he suddenly looked dead.

Isobel swallowed. If anyone thought having emotions made Dr. Essex less scary, they should see him right then. "It's--she could have hit me, if she really wanted. She didn't. It was just a gesture, to let me know how much she really doesn't care." Isobel started crying again.

Dr. Essex brought her tea. He sat next to her. "Rachel and I fight quite often. Once, she even apologized."

Isobel gave him a grateful smile and sipped her tea. It only made her feel better because he'd fixed it for her.

Mystique could not believe she was doing this. Driving to Essex and the annoying creature's home. The girl had left her bags and she planned on leaving, taking the first plane back to Paris and forgetting about this night. The least the girl could have done was remember her own items when she'd stormed out. She stopped the stolen vehicle at the gate. The dagger was on the seat beside her. A lovely reminder of what precisely would happen if she continued with this relationship. It would only end in death. It always did. At least with her daughter there was the chance that she could continue to steal healing factors. To keep on living. A human didn't have that luxury. End this.

She got out and grabbed Isobel's bags, walking quickly to the front door and dropped the bags. She knocked once, impatient. "I have her bags. I am fine with disposing of them here if you wish,," she called, annoyed. Ready to leave.

Isobel looked up at Dr. Essex, her eyes wise. "Um, could you not--Dr. Essex!" she squeaked, jumping up, scrambling to follow him as he moved to the door.

He threw the front door open, and caught Raven Darkholme around the neck. "Why should I not break your miserable neck?" he hissed, fingers tightening.

"You could certainly try, Essex, but I can merely manipulate them to move lower into my body. Shall I show you?" Mystique asked, yellow eyes narrowed. "The girl forgot her bags. I brought them by before heading back to Paris."

"I could manage, Darkholme," Dr. Essex said, his voice cold. "I am terribly good with genetics."

"Stop it!" Isobel stood next to him and put a hand on his arm. "Please, Dr. Essex. Just...please just let her go. I don't--it's not worth it. They'll kick you out of SHIELD and I don't want--" Raven to be hurt. "Just please stop," she whispered, tired and sad. "Please."

Dr. Essex looked at her, and for a moment, she didn't know if he was going to listen or not. But he did. He let go of Raven and stepped back. "If you require my services, call me. If you lay a hand on her in anger, Raven, I will kill you. I shall find a way." With that, he turned and left.

Isobel knew she looked a mess. Her eyes were swollen, her face streaked with mascara. She couldn't look at Raven. "Thanks. Have a nice flight," she whispered, suddenly trembling.

Mystique dropped the bags. "I will." The flight was the last thing she wanted to think about. "I'll drop the dagger in the lawn. Feel free to give it to someone else." She turned and started towards the door, shaking her head when she stopped in the doorway. "You must learn to control your emotions, girl. Or you will not live long in this business."

"You should learn to have some, Raven. Keep the dagger. I don't think I know anyone else who would appreciate it." Isobel was crying again, but she didn't care. She just wanted this to be over. Well, that's not what she wanted. But if what she was going to get, then she just wanted it to hurry up and be finished.

"I have emotions, child. I merely know how to control them." Mystique turned, glaring at Isobel. "I have no use for your dagger. No need for it." No need for any of this. She needed to simply take the last step out the door and be done.

"Yeah, you're pretty good at wounding people without them," Isobel snapped, turning back. "Then leave it. Fine. I don't care." She shouldn't let this go on, this conversation. She couldn't stop crying. "Why did you do this to me? You could have just told me you were through with me, without treating me like this. What did I ever do to deserve this from you?" She angrily dashed tears off her face.

Mystique made an exasperated noise. "What did I ever do to deserve the dagger?"

"Huh?" Isobel blinked, confused. "What--what in the hell does that even mean? I bought you a present because I like you. Um. Liked you." Before you tore my heart out. "And I thought maybe you would like it. I told you why I got it. Those things remind me of you." She was missing something, Isobel realized. "I don't--I don't understand."

"You will one day." Mystique turned, not wanting to waste another minute here. "Goodbye, Isobel. Good luck."

"No," Isobel said, angry now, walking forward. She reached around Raven and slammed the door shut. "What did you mean by that? Goddamn it, tell me what you meant. I don't want to wait to understand. I don't get to live forever. What the hell is wrong with you, and why are you being so mean to me?"

Mystique narrowed her eyes. "Nothing is wrong except that you feel this need to stand in my way. Move aside, girl, or Essex will have a reason to break my neck."

Isobel tilted her chin up. In her natural form, Raven was taller than her. "No. And if you'd wanted to kill me, you would have throw that dagger into my neck or something. Tell me what you meant. Tell me why you're mad at me. Tell me why you're running away, why you're always pushing me away. What are you afraid of? It's something, isn't it?" She reached out and shoved at Raven. "Go ahead and hurt me. Wait, you already did! Will it make you feel better? To hurt my body now? Is that what you want?" She was breathing hard.

She grabbed Isobel's wrist, effectively stopping her and pushed her away. Sending the girl sprawling backwards. "Drop it," Mystique demanded, yellow eyes flashing in warning.

Isobel stared up her challengingly. "No. I'm not. Come on, Mystique. You can be anyone. Be yourself for a fucking second. Unless you don't even know how anymore?" She stood up, hands on her hips. "Though I guess this is what you do, isn't it, to people? You stabbed your own daughter. I guess I shouldn't be surprised you threw a knife at my back." Disgusted, Isobel threw her hands up in the air. "Did you throw Irene on the floor and shove her when she pissed you off, too? God, the woman stayed with you for her whole life. She should have a fucking medal," Isobel muttered, unthinking.

Mystique caught Isobel around the neck and slammed her into the door. "Do not speak about Irene." She pressed her arm into the girl's neck, her face mere inches away from Isobel's. Her breathing was heavy, frantic. "Or my daughter. You know nothing, little girl. Nothing." She shook Isobel, angry before letting go and stepping back. Hands clenched at her sides.

"I love my daughter. I loved Irene. And she left me. She knew she was going to die and did not have the decency to warn me." Mystique kicked the wall, lashed out at the girl but didn't make contact. "She was a precog. She knew. She knew! You. You won't know. But you will still die." She grabbed Isobel again, flinging her against the wall. "I won't go through that again. I won't!"

Isobel was afraid--Mystique was scary--but more than that, she was sad. And it all made sense, suddenly, why Raven was fighting so hard. Not because she didn't care, because she did. "We all die, Raven. It's just part of life. And of course Irene didn't tell you. She wouldn't want that to be all you thought about. When you were with her. The end. Nobody wants that." Very carefully, Isobel reached out and touched Raven's cheek. "She wouldn't have wanted you not to live. God, Raven, what's the point of being given the gift you have, if you don't use it? You won't die, no. But the way around that is not to die inside. You're supposed to live. That's your gift."

Mystique flinched at her touch. Stepping back, breathing hard. "Watching those I love die around me is not the answer," she growled, pushing Isobel away. "My gift is to become whomever I choose. I choose not to be who you want. I will not go through that again. I will not watch--" She glared at Isobel and turned towards the door, trying not to run out of the house. She needed to get away now. Far away.

She made it to the car and yanked open the door, glaring at the dagger and picked it up. Hissing as it sliced into her skin. She clenched her hand around it and stalked back to the house, thrusting it towards Isobel. The dagger stained with her blood. "Take it. I have no use of this."

Isobel reached out and yanked Mystique towards her. "Too bad. You are what I want. And even being as hateful as you are right now, it's not changing it." Isobel kissed her, hot and eager. She pulled away, breathing hard and fast. "So you can do whatever you want, but the only way you're going to stop me from caring about you is if you kill me. So if you want that, then go ahead and do it." She grabbed Raven's hand and turned it. "Go ahead and stab me, too. We'll see if it works. It probably won't. Your daughter still loves you, and--" her voice faltered, but onlyfor a moment. "--and so will I."

Mystique pressed the dagger against Isobel, drawing a little blood before letting it drop to the floor. "Damn you." She pushed Isobel backwards, growling. Hurting. Not wanting to show how vulnerable she was. Grabbing Isobel's arm, she yanked her back, twisting. Breathing hard as Isobel cried out. "Damn you," she repeated, backing her into the wall. Digging her nails into the girl's flesh.

She leaned forward, giving her a bruising kiss. Biting Isobel's lip. Scraping skin. Wanting her vulnerability to disappear. Needing it to. She tore at the girl's shirt, biting her neck, her shoulders. Wanting to forget.

Isobel shuddered, her hands on Raven's shoulders. Oh, God. It hurt, what Raven was doing. Isobel didn't care. She clutched at Raven's shoulders desperately, digging her nails in.

Dr. Essex's voice slammed into her mind. *Shall I rescue you, or not? It is beginning to be obvious I should no longer monitor this situation, Isobel.*

*Not...just yet. With the rescuing. I'll let you know.*

He was gone in an instant. Isobel turned her attention back to Mystique. Making small little sounds of need and pain. Raven was hurting her. Isobel was getting wet. God. Maybe she understood Rachel a little better. She slid her hands down Raven's back. They were in the middle of the hallway. She didn't care. The door was closed. There was a bloody dagger on the floor. Raven had drawn blood with it. Raven was dangerous. Isobel's head tilted back, giving Raven more room to bite her, and she moaned.

Mystique growled, grasping cruelly at the girl's breasts. Biting harder. Marking Isobel. She undid the girl's pants, roughly dragging them down her hips. Chafing skin and thrust two fingers inside Isobel without warning, snapping at her when she found Isobel wet. She pulled away a little. Continuing to thrust her fingers, adding another. Her other hand braced beside Isobel's head. Gaze locked with the girl's. Her expression hard.

"Are you--trying to--prove--something?" Isobel gasped, biting her lip, her gaze never wavering. "Me wanting you--is not--a new thing." Her fingers curled reflexively over Raven's upper arms. God, it hurt. It felt good. She wanted to come, and she wanted it to stop, and she never, ever wanted it to end. Her head tossed against the wall. "God. Raven. You don't have to--" Isobel cried out, coming sudden and fast and hard. Her knees buckled. She would have collapsed, if Raven hadn't have been holding her up.

Mystique pulled back, letting the girl continue to fall and collapsed herself. Falling to her knees and staring angrily at her hands. "This means nothing," she whispered, hands clenching in her lap. Repeating the words. Wanting to believe them. "Nothing. Nothing!"

Isobel crawled over to where Raven knelt. Still with her jeans unbuttoned, her shirt pulled up. She curled herself around Raven and held her, without speaking. There was nothing she could say. She'd already said what she needed to, and she felt...calm. Maybe not happy, exactly, but better. The rest was up to Raven. She may very well leave. But at least Isobel had done what she could. She wrapped her arms around Raven and hugged her tighter.

A few tears fell down her face. That was all she allowed, clenching her eyes shut. Fighting back the onslaught that threatened to overwhelm her. Mystique leaned into Isobel, giving into the urge to wrap her arms around the girl's waist. Breathing hard. Calming herself. She remembered when Irene had done this. Held her, soothed her, and pushed back. Staring at the Isobel. "There is only one way this will end," she muttered, fingers trailing over the bite marks on the girl's neck. "Very well." That was all she could say. As much as she could give at the moment. It would have to be enough.

Isobel raised her head. She knew that it was good, for now. Things were good. Better than they had been before. They'd probably needed to have that discussion. She maybe shouldn't have told Raven she loved her. Huh. Well, too late now.

She snorted. "Raven. I'm only twenty-three. You could get sick of me before I'm even thirty, you know." She kissed her, very gently. Looked around the hallway. "Huh. Here we are in the hallway." She nuzzled at Raven's neck. Feeling sleepy and still a little vulnerable. "Do you want to go sleep or something?" Isobel slipped back into scientist mode. Problem, possible solutions. "We should do that. Sleep. Um. Then maybe have dinner? Are you hungry? We have. Um. Things to drink." She yawned.

Mystique rose, tugging the girl up. "I desire rest." She pushed at Isobel, directing her to lead. Looking at the dagger on the floor, mixed with their blood. "Now."

"Not sleeping in the hallway, sweetie," Isobel said, rolling her eyes. "We can go sleep in my room. In the lab. You know where it is?" She reached down and picked up the dagger. Carried it into the kitchen, and gently washed off the blood. She turned back and handed it to Mystique. "Please, I--I want you to have this. Um. I didn't mean to suggest anything or try and buy your affection or whatever, but I just--I thought you would like it." She turned and went to the door which led outside, towards her little apartment over the lab in the carriage house.

*Gonna have a nap, Dr. E.*

*Shall I cease construction on the rack, then? The St. Andrew's cross?*

Isobel hid a smile. *Maybe not just yet. Hey, wouldn't Rachel like one? It could be like a welcome home gift.*

His voice, when he answered, was vaguely shocked. *Isobel.*

She giggled out loud. *Kidding!*

*Though, now that you mention it...* And there was an image of Rachel, naked and fierce and panting, strapped up on a wooden cross. Dr. Essex in front of her, and he was--

"Okay!" Isobel said out loud, wincing. *TMI, boss.* She opened the door to the carriage house and linked her arm in Raven's. "I have a cute thing I bought to wear. I'll put it on for you later. If you want." She smiled shyly and walked up to her bedroom.

Mystique sat down on the bed, taking a moment to look around Isobel's room. She hadn't done so the last time. Too busy with other endeavors. This time she was able to note precisely how young the girl was. Almost the same age as Irene had been when they'd first met. A lifetime ago. "Sleep, Isobel," she ordered, laying back. Draping a hand over her face. There was much she needed to quietly mull over.

Isobel stripped, so she was wearing only her striped cotton boy-brief underwear. She took her bra off and climbed up on the bed, sliding beneath the comforter and between cool sheets. She curled next to Raven. "You, too. Should sleep." Isobel yawned. She felt emotionally drained. This was not going to be easy, with the two of them, ever. There were still obstacles. Maybe there was just one or two less, now.

"I will, poppet," Mystique murmured, closing her eyes. Drifting into a fitful sleep.

Isobel woke up a few hours later. Feeling rested but disoriented. Aren't I supposed to be in a hotel--oh. Right. The fight with Raven. She was at home. But she wasn't alone. Isobel sat up, looking over at Raven. Who was sitting by the window.

Staring at her.

"Um," Isobel said, pushing back her hair. "H-hi. Um. Did you sleep well?"

Mystique raised an eyebrow. "Of course not." She moved slowly to Isobel's side, sitting down on the edge of the bed and drew her fingers up her neck. "You snore."

"Nuh-uh," Isobel said, smiling a little. She tilted her head to the side. Looked at Raven thoughtfully. She didn't want to push things. But she wanted to make sure Raven was okay. "Are you--do you need something?" Wow. She was really bad at this.

"I am fine and no, I do not require anything." Mystique smiled and drew back, tapping her chin. Pretending to think. "On second thought. Yes, I do require something from you." She laid down on the bed and stretched. "I'm sure you can figure out what I would like."

"Oh, gosh, I'm good at thinking." Isobel pounced rather playfully, straddling Raven. "Um? Don't do like, assassin moves and throw me off. Unless. You know. You really like that or something." She giggled. "You're so pretty. And scary. And look at me, sitting right on top of you!" She leaned down and kissed Raven. Warm and slow. "Mmm. You have such pretty skin. I think you should go around blue all the time." Isobel licked Raven's neck. "Except...would you get arrested?"

"Depending on where I am, yes." Mystique remained passive beneath her, allowing the girl to do what she wanted. "I am registered here, in the United States. Under whatever alias I used with the X-Men so Stark would have no reason to arrest me. He is free to try."

"Let's not try that," Isobel said, running her fingers up Mystique's arms. "Do you think you like girls because you can be anyone?" Izzy traced Mystique's breasts, lightly rubbing her nipples. She was only wearing her panties. Despite their earlier anger, things were remarkably relaxed between them.

Well. Isobel was pretty sure that would change to tension soon, but not the kind that made them fight. "Or is it just because girls are so pretty?" Isobel giggled. "That's totally what did for me."

"Women are infinitely easier to control," Mystique murmured, putting her hands behind her head and smirked. "As are most men I have come to find. With the right incentive." She wanted Isobel to touch her harder, harsher, but merely stayed still. Letting the girl continue her exploration. A small, simple way to show she regretted her outburst from earlier that afternoon.

Mystique reached up, tracing the cut just below Isobel's shoulder. A reminder of their fight, of the turmoil. She wondered if it would leave a scar.

Isobel looked at Raven's fingers, on her shoulder. "Scars are kind of sexy, huh. Just don't show Dr. Essex that, he'll get all weird." Isobel thought about what Raven said. "I think everyone is easy for you to control. You're sneaky." Isobel made her touch a shade harder, remembering that Raven liked things a little rough. She remembered how she'd hurt Rachel, in the bar. Isobel sat back and drew her nails, hard, down Raven's stomach.

"Of course I am, Isobel. My ability to be 'sneaky' is a matter of survival." Mystique pushed up, wanting more and grasped Isobel's chin. Locking her gaze with the girl's. "Harder, little one. I will not repeat myself."

"Mmm. I like bossy women," Isobel said, stretching out on top of Raven. She bit her shoulder playfully, shaking her head. Giggling a little. "Sometimes, I can't believe I get to have sex with you." Isobel looked up and grinned. "And you're like, you don't, silly girl, if you don't get on with it. I can hear you thinking it, Rave." She shifted and roughly grabbed Raven's breast, biting the soft upper swell. Her other hand slid up Raven's legs, and Isobel pinched her inner thigh.

Mystique bit back a moan, pressing up against Isobel. Clenching her hands tightly against the sheets. Not wanting to touch the girl just yet. "I suggest listening to that little voice, silly girl and getting on with it."

"Am," Isobel murmured, nuzzling Raven. She slid her fingers between Raven's legs. Rubbed lightly, then with a little more force. Slid her fingers inside, roughly, fucking Raven hard and deep. She pressed her thumb on Raven's clit, rubbing lightly. Isobel pressed biting kisses on Raven's body. She wondered if she could leave bruises. It was sort of fun to try.

Mystique closed her eyes, arching up against the girl's hands. Finally allowing herself to touch Isobel. Nails scraping down her back, drawing blood. Enjoying the tiny gasp of pain. She pushed, moving her hips, striving towards release and sank her teeth into Isobel's shoulder. Tasting blood as she silently came. Shuddering slightly. She pushed Isobel off, kept her eyes closed, one arm draped across her face. "Good girl," she murmured, patting the girl's arm.

Raven never made noise, when she came. Isobel sat up, touching her fingers to her bite mark. "Woah. That--ouch. I don't see how Rachel does this. Man." She gave a little laugh. Raven was still hiding under her arm. "Hey. What's up?"

Mystique peered at the girl from under her arm. "Nothing, poppet. I suggest you dress so that we may eat." She pushed herself and strode towards the door, not giving the girl an opportunity to argue. "I doubt Essex would appreciate my presence in the kitchen alone."

"Oh. Right." She jumped up and went into the bathroom, quickly washing her bite mark and eyeing the scratches on her back with a pleased sort of look. She pulled on a pair of yoga pants, a bra, and a tank top. She pulled her hair into a ponytail and followed Raven into the kitchen.

Dr. Essex was fixing dinner. He looked up at Isobel. "Am I to have the pleasure of your company, then?" His eyes narrowed. "So you are still here. Make yourself useful and find the wine."

For a second, Isobel thought her boss had some weird multi-personality disorder. Then she realized he was probably looking at Raven. Damn it, no one in this room but her had pupils. How infuriating.

Mystique made a tsking noise and leaned against the counter. "I am the guest, Essex. Where are your manners? Guests do not partake in the fixing of dinner." She shook her head at the man and removed a bottle from the wine rack, twirling it on the countertop. "Does this meet with your approval?"

"I am not asking you to fix dinner, I am asking you to select some wine. That is, in some civilized countries, quite an honor." Dr. Essex bared his teeth in what Isobel thought was a smile. Or something that might have been one, in a previous life. "Isobel."

"Um. What?" She bit her lip. Huh. This was weird.

"You are well? I am not inclined to serve dinner to your girlfriend if she is still causing you to cry."

"I um. Think we're okay?" Isobel gave Mystique a wide-eyed look.

"Then what is that cut on your arm?"

"Hello, kettle black, it's pot calling!" Isobel snapped, crossing her arms.

"I beg your pardon?" Dr. Essex turned to her. He did so very elegantly. He had that same sort of nonchalant grace that Raven had. It must have something to do with being alive for a zillion years. "What does that mean?"

"It means, you're a hypocrite! The things you do to your girlfriend--"

"Are because she likes them," Dr. Essex said, crossing his arms. "We are not discussing me. We are discussing you. I am not going to harbor someone in this house who is hurting you, unless I am absolutely certain you are not in danger. Are we quite clear, Isobel?"

She almost yelled at him. And then, she realized what he was doing. He was worried. About her. Oh, God. That was--huh.

"Thanks, Dr. Essex," she said quietly. "But we just had a fight. We're okay now." Isobel was suddenly very sad. He would have been a good father.

"In point of fact, I was an abysmal one. Now, do set the table and find Raven some wine glasses." He turned, and went back to the stove. Isobel couldn't read his expression. She sighed and walked over to Raven, putting an arm briefly around her waist. Kissing her lightly on the cheek.

"Okay. Raven, the wine glasses are in that hutch in the dining room. There are some pretty cobalt ones. Do you want to get those?"

"Very well." Mystique retrieved the glasses, thoroughly amused by Essex's behavior. She placed them on the table and walked back into the kitchen, watching Essex carefully. There was something different about him. She couldn't quite figure out what it was. And then she remembered, what Isobel had told her. About Rachel and his emotions. "Aggravating, isn't it. Having to feel?"

"Quite." He peered at the pan on the stove, at the sauce. "I wish to speak with you, after dinner. It is important."

Isobel looked up from the table. She had a weird feeling she was introducing Raven to her dad. Oh, God. She could not think that about Dr. Essex. Then she imagined introducing Raven to her parents. Isobel sat on the chair at the table. Oh, God. Was Raven good with parents? What was she doing?

Dr. Essex looked over at her. "Do stop worrying."

Something hit her on the head. Isobel scowled. "That's not nice."

Dr. Essex shrugged and looked back at Mystique. "You seem to have few emotions. I am quite certain you never met Apocalypse." He stopped thoughtfully. "Or did you? I confess, I become confused about who he altered and for what reasons."

"There are certain things a girl does not divulge." Mystique shrugged, nodding towards the pan. "Can he cook, Isobel or would it be better if we ordered take-out?" She raised an eyebrow at the girl, smiling at her flustered expression. "And very well. We can converse after dinner. It ought to be interesting."

"He can cook. He's really good, actually. Do we have any chips?" Isobel went to the pantry. "God. We're out. That sucks. Hey, are we--" Isobel flushed, shaking her head. "Um. Never mind."

Dr. Essex brought the pasta he'd made over to the table. There was bread. She wondered if he'd made it. Did her supervillain boss make bread?

"Why is everyone surprised by that? The first morning we had breakfast together, Rachel was convinced I used the bread bowl for the blood of infants. Which goes terrible with fontina sauce, may I add." Dr. Essex paused, then sighed. "No one finds my jokes amusing."

"Not when they're about dead babies and dinner, hello." Isobel sat next to Raven. This was weird. "Sorry, um. If I was--um, loud? When we had, ah, a fight."

"Do not worry," Dr. Essex said, passing her the bowl of fontina sauce. It was white, like alfredo. "Rachel and I have had quite the row, before."

"That's really not making me feel better, you two are crazy," Isobel muttered, buttering a piece of bread. She smiled at her boss. "Cute! But totally crazy."

"Yes, your relationship choices definitely give you the privilege of making such statements," Dr. Essex snapped, but Isobel didn't mind. He was only mildly annoyed. She was learning.

"How quaint," Mystique drawled, breaking off a piece of bread, "Being all father like." She pointed the butterknife at Essex. "Be careful. Act like a parent and they will expect certain things from you."

"Truly? Like what? Me to kill their girlfriends if they become mouthy at dinner?"

"Dr. Essex," Isobel said, horrified.

"Why do you never call me Nathaniel?" Dr. Essex asked her, looking vaguely curious. "You do know that is my name, do you not?"

Isobel threw a roll at him, but he caught it with lightening-fast reflexes. "I hate mutants," she said, cranky, then patted Raven's knee. "Except you. And Rachel. And Anna. Okay, just red-eyed ones."

"Gambit shall be devastated," Dr. Essex said, smirking. "I am not a mutant."

"You were just really smart before Apocalypse?" Isobel asked, her tone disbelieving.

Dr. Essex was glaring at her. "Not all of us need a cosmic ray to be intelligent, girl."

"Not all of us walk around looking like a circus freak either, Essex. Do play fair." Mystique sipped at her wine, nodding across the table at Isobel.

Isobel beamed at Raven. "Awww. You defended me. How sweet. Um. Or something."

Dr. Essex leaned back in his chair. "I am perfectly capable of looking less like a circus freak if you wish." He altered his appearance, and suddenly, he looked like his human self.

"No! Don't do that! You have eyes! It weirds me out." Isobel pointed her fork at him. Dr. Essex smiled at her. Isobel shrieked. He started laughing.

"I only did this so I could roll my eyes at you. Are you not going to watch?"

Isobel hid her face in her hands. "No! Raven! Make Dr. Essex stop being weird!"

"Children, behave." Mystique shook her head at the two, biting into her bread. "And Isobel, I am not sweet. I'm sure you've realized that by now." She waved her hand at Essex and rolled her eyes. "There is no need to change your appearance, Essex."

Isobel shrugged. "You know, my boss is an evil sociopath, my best friend can eat planets if she wants, and my girlfriend is--well, you. I think my definition of sweet is a little skewered. Can I have another roll?"

Dr. Essex's appearance returned to normal. He handed Isobel the bread basket. Things were normal, for a few minutes. Isobel ate her pasta with gusto. It was good. She felt much better. "Do you want to go back to the hotel, Raven?"

"I believe that would be a good idea. After Essex and I discuss his important matter." She smiled at Isobel, different scenarios of what she wanted to do to Isobel drifting through her mind. The one involving Isobel's scarf was quite...arousing.

Dr. Essex started coughing, choking on his wine. "Ah. Pardon me." He looked over at Raven. "I say, Darkholme, that's rather inspired, that."

"What?" Isobel looked at the two of them. She muttered something and went back to her dinner.

Afterwards, Isobel helped Dr. Essex clean up. He was being very quiet. Raven wandered off to the study, and Isobel had a moment alone with her boss. She looked at him, a bit unsure. "Hey, Dr. Essex?"


"Thanks. Um. I know you--look, I--you're not a bad man. Not to me, I guess. I--I know it's--weird. With me and Mystique? But I really--I think I'm in love with her." Isobel stared down at the soapy water.

"Of course you are." He handed her a plate.

"It's um. Nice that you would have tortured her? Like, not really? But the sentiment. Thanks. I would tell my parents that my evil boss totally has my back if my assassin girlfriend ever gets a bit psycho, but. You know. They might not like that."

"Likely not."

"So, um. What are you going to talk to Raven about?" she asked casually, rinsing the plate. Why they could never use the dishwasher, she didn't know.

"Someone has to look out for you, Isobel." He finished with the drying and emptied the water from the sink. "I shall be but a moment."

Isobel sat at the kitchen table. She was going to give them ten minutes, and she was going in there at the first sound of shouting. Or any sort of thumping sounds. She wasn't sure what she was going to do, but it would be something.

Nathaniel went into the study. Raven was sitting on the sofa, staring out of the window. Her mind was hard to read. He'd only been able to do so earlier because she'd been projecting. He went to the sideboard and poured himself a brandy. "Do you wish for a drink?" he asked politely.

"Skip the pleasantries, Essex," she demanded, crossing her arms in irritation. "What is it you want?"

"Very well." Nathaniel sat on the chair across from her, sipping his brandy. "What exactly are your intentions towards my assistant?"

Mystique rolled her eyes, flicking a piece of lint from her leg. "I do believe I asked Magneto that same question a few weeks ago. Shall I give you the same evasive answer he gave me?" She smiled slowly at Essex, amused. "No? Ah, pity. I plan on having sex with her and enjoying what time I do have." Before she leaves me. Like the rest.

"I am not asking about your physical intentions," Nathaniel said stiffly. "I am asking if you are planning on breaking her heart, and leaving me with her sobbing as she was when you so callously hurt her earlier."

"I cannot help if she is naive in matters of love, Essex." Mystique shrugged, trying not to think about Isobel sobbing. About how angry that made her. At herself.

"Raven, I do not care what you say to me. If the girl ever breaks down like that--crying in my arms, do you realize how very astounding that is in itself?--I shall find you and make you suffer. I am not saying that she has to be completely thrilled with you--personally, I do not see how that is possible, and I am not without my own occasional dramatics with Rachel--but the girl's heart was breaking, Raven. I do not--" Nathaniel stopped, raking a hand through his hair. "I do not particularly like that it makes me want to kill you, you realize. But it does."

"It would be far better for her heart to break now when she is not fully invested then in years to come." Mystique frowned, her voice becomming barely above a whisper. "When she is killed by an enemy of mine."

"Someone is going to kill Isobel? What on earth are you--" Nathaniel stopped. He understood. "I--I watched someone die. Someone I loved. Twice, actually. I watched my wife die, with our unborn child. That perhaps is not the same. But I--loved another woman. Years ago, in the thirties. Her name was Faye. I pushed her away, of course, but I would visit her. I was with her when she died. Old, and feeble, and ravaged by disease. And I looked the same as I did this morning, as I do right now." He regarded Raven thoughtfully. "And unless something happens to make Rachel immortal, I shall do it once more."

Mystique frowned, looking back out the window. "I have watched more than I care to remember die, Essex. It never becomes easier to deal with. Merely harder. Even more so when their deaths are because of you."

"I do understand," he said slowly. This was very strange. It was something he was not used to, this sense of shared experiences. "That was what led me to accept Apocalypse's offer, watching my wife die. I suppose it was easier when it was Faye, but thinking of it now fills me with something very much like regret. I suppose I--" he stopped, standing up, and went to the piano. Nathaniel brushed his hands over the keys, not playing anything. Thinking. "She will die, Isobel. So shall Rachel. You and I shall not. It is the way of things. You can either give her up, or you can protect her. I gave up Faye, and I still watched her die. There are no easy answers."

"There never are." Mystique leaned back against the sofa, closing her eyes. "I will watch her die, no matter what occurs now. I may as well enjoy what time I am destined to have with her." Her heart lurched at the word--at the mere thought of Irene--and she sighed, looking over at Essex. "Everyone dies. Eventually. But us."

"Everyone but us." He raised his glass to her and nodded. "Do not make her cry like that again. It shall displease me."

"We wouldn't want that." Mystique rolled her eyes. " I cannot promise you that, Essex. It is inevitable that I shall do so again. It is my nature."

"Do not get her killed, or I shall be obliged to avenge her. And I am as immortal as you, Darkholme. I can haunt you for years. Just ask Apocalypse." He smiled at her, and began to play. "Tell me that you care for her, and I shall bother you no more. For now."

"I...am partial to her company, Essex," Mystique murmured, frowning. "That is all I can offer you now." That was all she could admit to herself. Anything further made her head spin.

It was enough for him. "Have a pleasant vacation. Do make sure to have Isobel back when her leave is over, we have a lot of work to do." He concentrated on the piece he was playing.

"Very well." Mystique nodded quietly at him and exited the room silently, raising an eyebrow when she spotted Isobel in the kitchen. Cleaning. Or, well, making a show of it. "Have you been eavesdropping, poppet?" she asked, smiling slowly at the girl. "Hmmm?"

"No way. Trust me, leaning not to eavesdrop on him. You should be here when Rachel visits." She leaned against the counter. "I guess that wasn't too bad. Was he all old-fashioned and growly?"

"He was." Mystique strode by her, heading towards the bedroom. "Come along, poppet. I have plans that require you to follow and wear that lovely little outfit you bought."

Izzy grinned. "Sounds good to me."

mystique, rp

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