Apr 25, 2009 08:57
When i look up at the stars I see beauty. Mystifying beauty and wonder. A universe filled of the unknown. I will be there, with those stars one day, looking down at the people looking up with thier wonder and awe.
Someone asked what i saw when i looked at the stars and that was my answer.
I've noticed the changes in my mood these days.
I've noticed that the strive in me for bigger things.
I've def grown up some.
I've def learned to be more patient wuth my loved ones, more grateful.
I've been thinking more about things i want,things i need to help myself with.
No one is going to bring me down.
I like my changes.
I spend a lot of time on Sodahead.
The people there are cool.
I can say things that ppl i am with everyday would judge me for.
Guess that's why i spend so much time there. I am not judged or pitied.