Mar 30, 2009 01:31
Unlike Adam who is selling his home...I had such high hopes of buying one just a few blocks from here...BUT...the job search is about to start again. I was just informed today that I am going to be down to just two days. Honestly, it's about 130 a week's not horrid...but it's that in savings. So it's budget overhaul time and time to keep my husband calm. We can do this, it's not that there are a million and one bills to be paid, but it would have been nice to have saved a couple grand by years end.
In good news I have decided what the heck I am going to do with myself and a career. I registered today for my last class to get my Associate's of Arts transfer. I am going to gear towards a bachelor's in Social Work, carrying a minor in Hospice and Palliative Studies...Basically, what i want to do is be a patient liason in a geriatric setting or hospice setting. It's a good idea for two reasons. 1) my mom and husband work in the funeral home setting...I understand it...been there 2) I have dealt with major health issues, understand frustration and finance of it...and have had elders in my house that used Hospice and also have a 'friend' who is a hospice nurse- connections people
so I guess I am on my way...