May 19, 2011 13:22
1. New Baby!
This be the reason for Sky+ing Eurovision the other night. Sam (yes, named after our first guinea pig!) was born in December. He is a very funny, smiley, silly, cute and affectionate little boy (and also very, very large!) Photos to follow soon!
2. New Guinea Pigs!
Last time I wrote, had three: Amber, Rolo and Edgar. We sadly lost Edgar last year, he got sick exactly three years to the day Sam (guinea pig Sam) got sick, with exactly the same thing. We adopted George (named by Whirly!) who at first was a little short-haired guinea pig and then sprouted this massive skirt of long fur on his back end! Seriously, he's like two guinea pigs welded together in the middle. A few weeks ago we also lost Amber. She passed away peacefully, thank goodness, we think it was just age in her case. We didn't want to introduce a new guinea pig to Rolo as we didn't want her to feel pushed out of her own cage so we decided to get a pair and place their cages side by side so she could interract with them without being 'invaded'! The newbies are Rolinho (a tiny version of Rolo) and Daisy (a very naughty guinea pig who thinks she is a parrot by climbing on my shoulder!) Again, pics to follow!
3. New Laptops... several times over!
I can't begin to describe the technology issues we've had in the last few years... Laptops need to die, now! Erm, not until I've finished typing though...
4. New Career!
Uh, yeah, I kind of accidentally became a full-time professional psychic last year... I didn't mean to, it just happened! It's bizarre to say the least. I did some work on a psychic phone line a few years back but hated phones. Now I am working via email and I really enjoy it (although I also moan about it often!)
5. New obsession
Well, I say 'new'... It's not really new... I really did become quite obsessed with Ashes to Ashes at the end, and I do mean in the way I used to get obsessed with various TV shows when I was a kid. It even pulled me out of a lengthy spell of writer's block. Which leads me on to...
6. New Passion for Writing
I am almost ashamed to admit this, but after the end of Ashes to Ashes last year, I began writing... *gulp* Fan Fiction! The last time I wrote fan fiction as for, uh, Pokemon, over a decade ago. And I did go back to writing my own series of books for a while ion 2003-2004 but even so I ended up with writers' block again and haven't really written since, although it wasn't for the want of trying. After the last episode of A2A was aired last year my muse finally reawoken and, oh my godness, it won't go back to sleep now. More of that soon too...
7. New favourite crisps!
Yeah, might not seem like a major thing to you, but considering my passion for the salty-savoury snack imagine my horror a few years ago when Walkers crisps started tasting horrible and I then spent many years seeking a replacement. Finally Walkers Extra Crunchy filled the void and my faourite snack food has returned to my life! Hoorah!
8. New Piercings
Tragus piercing = best thing I ever did. Totally love it!
9. New Birthday
So, remember I used to be the weirdo with two birthdays? Well, as of this year I scrapped my chronological birthday and now celebrate my name-change birthday as my proper birthday. I just felt right and I am very pleased I made the decision. Just a shame you can't change your birthday officially by Deed Poll!
10. New obsession with taking photos of every. single. thing.
Once again, expect an update on this... that will be EXTREMELY pic heavy...
I think that's my round up... what's new with you??
guinea pigs,