Jan 21, 2005 12:44

Ok so here are the details, as promised.
My sis came over at around 2:30 to do my hair, and it took pretty much up until 5 to finish. Then I did my makeup and left my room at 5:45 to catch the shuttle. Arrived at Foggy and basically ran to catch the metro, but ended up having to wait anyway. So yeah. Picked up Don down in Vienna, then came back up and returned to my room to get my dress on. Then went to the ball with all my friends. They all looked beautiful, and Don looked very handsome. The ball was....interesting. I must say I'm a bit dissappointed in GW. It was hectic there, to say the least. Three ballrooms, all crowded, and a lot of the time was used up moving from place to place. We did dance a little though, which was fun. And there was some hand holding too that was also fun, but nothing too special. We left the dance around 11:30, and got back to my room right at 12, so we missed the 12 shuttle to FB. Then we caught the 12:30 and Don went on his way to the metro and yeah, just a hug to end the evening like always. He said he'd call me from time to time just to chat, and he said that he and Beth would definitely have to come up and hang with me sometime. Hopefully that'll actually happen. So yeah. Really thought I would have more to write, but I don't.
Skipped my class this morning, but I don't care a whole lot cuz I want to get out of that class anyways. I need to find a class to transfer into that isn't hard and fulfills a GCR. blegh. Suggestions welcome!
Also, I would like to get an internet photo thingy so I can post photos on LJ easily. Help with that is also very welcome. Thanks!
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