Oct 28, 2005 06:45
Ok! Talk about a freakout! Its early morn. I got up at 5am. Why? I dunno. Roomie was up early and left. Love the small pleasures in life!
But..as I was saying.. went to let the kitty outside..its still dark out..and I went to turn the light on by the back door..and there right at EYE LEVEL..was a FUCKIN HUGE SPIDER!! I shrieked and scared the baby kitty. I grabbed the web it was hangin on and let it down on the basement stairs. What is it with me and spiders? Last month..they were everywhere I turned. *shudders* I wont kill em..but this one was HUGE! Im afraid of the brown recluse. The basement is FULL of egg sacks :( Should just take the vaccum down there and suck everyone of em up!
I couldnt wait to get back to work. Vacation was just a time to SLOTH! I had thought about driving down to florida to see me mum..she wanted me to come in Sept..but I said..MOM..its Hurricain season! That was last year. She barely made it thru Wilma this year! And she JUST got her roof fixed this year from Charlie! *shakes head* She was all alone with her kitty. She went to stay at her friends house which was all brick. They had gone camping in the panhandle. She lives in Sarasota so she juuuuuuuuust missed it. Thank Gawd.
But vacation..I didnt do shit. Roomie and I had talked about maybe going salmon fishing. Ya right. All he wants to do is go out and drink. It gets very old for me. If I drank as much as he did, I'd be dead.
I had not been scheduled for work on Thursday and was to come back on Friday for 4 BIG hours. Im not full time so in the winter the hours are small. But my boss called me on Wed and asked if I wanted to work at Royal Oak for 8 hrs last two days this week and all of next week. yahoo! My bank account will be sooo happy.
Well I finally got smart and got my debts taken care of. I kept telling myself..Vickie how the hell will you ever get outta here if you dont do that?? DUH. Thats my dream..my own home one day. *crosses fingers*
OK Im mad..Second Life had an update and its been fucked ever since!! Which is probably better for me since my ass wont be at the computer. I need to get active. Its not fun bein alone.