I would like to announce that it is "census" and not "seance," "worry" not "wiry" and "percentages" and not "personal ages." Also, Yoda may be very funny but he does not have any kind of normal sentence construction.
I have decided that college is for morons because, dammit, this is where a bunch of them ended up. I'm used to street-smart assholes, but folks who have no ambition and are, lets face it, these folks are just plain stupid... these are the future college graduates. Colleges get kudos for graduating students so (especially out here) they do everything possible to get you out the door, problem being that college students are NOT BRIGHT!
The examples above are from my English 102 class where we "peer edit" (supposedly for content). I couldn't examine her "argument" it was completely washed out by the grammar. HORRORS!!!!!!!! OMG!
Okay, it was just plain painful.
I'm in the editing class now and I flub up all the time, not catching stuff, correcting the wrong stuff... etc, but really, that was insane. Since I don't know layout last week after the normal edits they gave me two separate stories to "reconstruct" because they were *cough* bad. Both misspelled names of their sources, one wasn't even complete sentences everything was in parenthesis. I don't know why. One we couldn't run because I couldn't find the missing information (it was supposed to be a five or six week trip and he had it as "36"). Anyhow, after that and misspelling the professor's name and leaving out some other critical info the chief editor decided we'd better hold it. The second reconstruct I've already heard from people at the event that it was a little biased and not fully accurate. Lovely.
Yes, and I'm updating only because they canceled my Spanish class. (Which is awesome, an extra hour... wow!)
So for anyone who might still be on my friends list, I am alive. I have 17 hours or something like that and I'm kicking butt in class... except law and spanish. I'm a Communications major... which is where all the weirdos hang out.
So I'm sitting in class when "boob gal" comes in (she of the little brain and over-exposed cleavage.. still not sure how she keeps her boobs from jumping out of those teeny shirts.) Ummm, that was off topic, well, she flops down and pours out her story of how she'd just come eligible for her drivers license and she got another DUI. Seems she fought with her "awesome lawyer boyfriend" and left. The cops found her passed out at a stop sign on Main street with a bottle of cheap wine between her legs and she spent a little time in the county jail. She also has a three-year old (who I assume was with boyfriend) poor kid. Said this was like her 30th DUI.
We had an incredible amount of ice down here. Lost power and everything for about five days. Nasty stuff, but that was a couple weeks ago. Then last week it snowed. Snow is not nearly as nasty as ice.
But I need to do my research for the editorial I wanted to write and finish my English paper... and write that article for the magazine. I really should be chasing folks down for an interview now, but I'm feeling the sleep deprivation. I hate interviews with slick folks who I know are lying, but its my job to make them look good so I overlook it. (Magazine, not paper... this week anyhow.)
All that to say... I have procrastinated long enough and now I must get back to work.