Sep 18, 2006 22:07
One of the kids in my newswriting class is just disturbingly stupid.
Teacher: Your assignment is due one week from monday, turn it in by then. Any questions?
Kid: Hey teach, when is our assignment due?
I think he's like slow or something. You know when there's a learning disabled individual in your class because they send out this letter begging for individuals to take notes for the disabled. Usually this means not that anybody has finger difficulties but somebody is slow. He is elected. Why is he taking a writing intensive course if he can't take his own damn notes?
Other than stupid it's my favorite class. Got two assignments today... okay, volunteered to get second one because school is boring and newswriting is fun. I have to profile two student organizations and the lucky winners are? Campus Crusade for Christ & the Straight and Gay Alliance. Some combo.
He's trying to get me a story he can actually run and of the two it's the gay story that he wants. It could be such an awesome story too. Conservative, blah Missouri contrast with Gay Pride--a dream come true (the contrast that is). But I couldn't get them to return my calls today... I have two interviews and a meeting to attend for the other and I got the assignment at noon. Prol'y go something like my last interview--blah. (He almost cried for me when he told me about Lennon dying--that would have been awesome. I mean what is more exciting: "So'n'so was emotional about Lennon's murder." or "Tears trickle down So'n'so's face as he describes Lennon's murder." See--I'm not just a heartless hack. It has DRAMA to it.)
Suppose I'll spend tomorrow afternoon stalking various persons to get my interview. Got on their Facebook group, now have 35 Straight & Gay faces to go off, just don't know how many are still attending here. Too bad I haven't seen Trish--it would make a great addition to the story... especially pics!!!!
My friends in class think I've gone off the deep end. "You want two assignments?!?" Hey, this is what I want to do--I like writing (and it would be a really good thing to amass some decent clips). I want internships. I need clips. I need practice. (and I also hate school and think it is boring.)
Good old liver-spots gave a dreadful test today. Was not prepared in the least. I mean, I read over the stuff, but he's so lax in his lectures that I didn't expect six-point list questions. I hate lists--get them all muddled up. The good thing is... everybody else did too.
I have the gift of getting drunken phone calls and listening to the mournful sagas that entails. I never asked for such a gift. Some people are clairvoyant, I hear about it after the fact. Suppose both can be a curse. Did you know that if the police are combing your neighborhood after hearing a series of loud shots it probably means that you should not have been out back and shooting cans with your 45? Yes, this is not a clever idea.
I have decided that I am the great ear.