It's going to be a bright, bright, bright, sunshiny day!

Mar 30, 2006 18:10

I'm feeling a lot better than the last time I posted. Denny is getting a bit better and he's even starting to beat me in Scrabble! Which is impressive, considering I'm the current hospital champion. Lol, Okay, now I sound like a geek. I've decided that while I really like him, it's not worth starting something serious with Denny. The risks/cons outweigh the benefits at this point, and I'm not sure if I'm ready to get involved with someone like that right now. That's not to say that we don't still flirt, but now we both know it's just for fun, and not to advance this anywhere. I found a pair of knitting needles in the house. I'm not sure if they're Meredith's or her mom's, or mine. I don't remember the last time I knitted, but then again, I've been loosing lots of sleep, so my memory is a bit impaired right about now.

I haven't had that many surgeries this past week. I feel like I've been kicked out of the OR or something. Hopefully I'll be getting on some better cases in the coming days.

There's talk of another party! I'm on call Friday night, so hopefully Meredith and Cristina plan to have it Saturday, so I may have to switch my shift with someone.

Yesterday I had this patient in for a bowl obstruction. She had lots of fresh scars on her wrists and up her arms. I was going to check her legs, but she refused to let me touch her after that. It's obvious that she's a cutter, and I decided to get a psych consult in on the case. It's so sad when people inflict pain on themselves to deflect a much deeper emotional pain inside them. I felt bad for her. Hopefully her family can get her through this hard time.

I've got a long day tomorrow, so I better get to bed. I can't be late for rounds tomorrow morning. Meredith, do you want me to wake you up at 3:45am so we can drive in to work together? We should probably get there at around 4:15 to get the good cases. I want a cool surgery!
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