Barfing burritos and burning bladders

Nov 12, 2008 19:33

Ever since I got back from Houston (which was AWESOME, by the way), my health has been slowly deteriorating.

Last week sometime I was eating a burrito in my office, and after the first bite I immediately had the urge to vomit everything in my body up. I didn't want to do it in my office, because that would smell horrible... so I ran. I had NO idea the bathrooms were THAT FAR AWAY. Seriously, it sucked. I was having to hold it in with my hands. At least 10 people were witness to my mad vomit dash.

Then, at the beginning of this week, my bladder decided to be a total d-bag. It seriously feels like I am peeing lava. I have never been so afraid to go to the bathroom. I have drunken like 2 gallons of cranberry juice, and it isn't helping at all.

Other than that, I have absolutely nothing new to say.

Except I miss my friends.

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