Dec 10, 2005 03:32
Who knew??
So yeah... i was sposta go to a fiona apple concert tonight(friday) in Pennsylvania. But instead when my sister and i left this morning in the snow storm that was going full force, since the plows decided to plow our road 5 times at 5 am but not once since then (twas now 9ish.) there was almost a good foot of snow on the road. we try to go down the first hill (of a few) to get onto the main road, and guess what. theres ice on it. and my sister loses control of the car and we crash head first into a tree.(thanks to her awesome steering, she was good. she chose the tree instead of continuing down this gigantic hill where we woulda picked up speed and crashed into god knows what*traffic/a house/ a person/a fucking LAKE* we woulda gone into if we continued straight, or if we had gone any farther left we woulda gone off the road and into the woods and possibly into someones house. so she chose the nice sturdy tree instead.) Good Job Anna.
Unfortunatly, the car was damaged, even though we werent going all that fast. she was purposly going slow as a turtle cause of the hills and unplowed roads. and we also got the front of the car stuck in the snow and dirt. We hit the tree a lot harder than i thought we would... i was shocked and extremely glad that putting my seatbelt on is always the first thing i do when i get into a car. if we didnt have our seatbelts on we would have landed ourselves trips to the emergency room. my head wouldve hit the dash and the windshield. fuuuun.
anywhoo... we ended up digging the car out and parking it on the side of the road and walking home to wait till we got a tow truck. car was towed and whole thing was over be noon. exactly when it stopped snowing. *sighs* blasted snow, you have failed me. and then i watched West Side Story on dvd in the living room and felll asleep before 4pm around the end, on the couch. my mom must have covered me at some point cause i woke up at 1am with a comforter over me after having this uber wierd dream about being snowed in someplace with my family, Jille, and Brian Kelly and his father and his fathers friend. twas wierd. alright lucys getting mad at me for typing so much (he's sleeping in my lap, ive typed half of this one handed) so ill go now. love you guys, ttyl.