Apr 11, 2014 00:04

The Colbert Nation is losing its leader.

No more The Word, the Sport Report, Cheating Death, Tip of the Hat/Wag of the Finger, Who's Not Honoring Me Now, Colbert: Platinum Edition, Threat Down, etc.

I am genuinely bummed about this.

The Colbert Report was only the best satirical political program in an age (though of course The Onion is up there.)   Some of his interviews are so. fucking. good.  Legendary.  He's so smart, so articulate, so razor-sharp, and so beautifully skewered the fucknuts on the right that his departure is a true loss to the country.  TO THE WORLD.  Ugh.

*pours some out for Papa Bear Colbert*

funny, reer, woe, politics, tv

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