So tonight is the Mariah Carey concert. Needless to say, I don't want to go because A) um, it's Mariah Carey and B) I sure as hell don't feel like driving to Atlanta. But, G did accompany me to Atlanta to see U2....we spent 13 hours standing in the cold to make sure we got spots along the rail (which we did, and Bono knelt down and sang to me
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So moral of the story, it's nice to see people and see what they're up to, but there's no need, as you said, to open up old wounds. So sweet of her to have this little epiphany and all but...whatev.
Mariach Carey. Hnn. I like a few of her songs, but I'm not a hardcore fan. And I imagine that on a personal level that she is every bit the diva she seems and more, so yah. I hope you make it :( But hey, he did accompany you to U2, so it's really wonderful of you to reciprocate, as much as you don't want to *admires you*. Compromise is the only way to get along in the world, which is sometimes *thinks of Mariah* very...unfortunate.
*loves you too*
*pulls up Leon/Cloud/Fruit Loops pic* Ahhh...that's better. I love Cloud's face. He is so not amused.
And re: Mariah, I think it's less about the concert (cuz I like live music of almost any kind)'s more about the driving in the heat on a VERY busy stretch of interstate. Ick. And G, bless his heart, sings along to every song. And he is unbelieveably tone deaf, lol.
It's all good though. A buddy just im'ed me a mocking email: "Have fun seeing TGLAOT!!" Sarah my sweet, today I annoint you as The Greatest Living Artist of Our Time. Since she is not down with the ex-cheerleader turned emo gay porn, Mariah can stuff it. *teehee*
Sarah my sweet, today I annoint you as The Greatest Living Artist of Our Time. Since she is not down with the ex-cheerleader turned emo gay porn, Mariah can stuff it. *teehee*
*totally cackling*
I love you. And I now cherish my position as the Paris Hilton of Squeenix porn. Yussssss.
"Oh, know. Going to MCA, working on my first boys' love doujinshi cover...the usual." Which is what she didn't expect at all. Cheerleader Sarah? An "emo" artist who porn? Hmm.
is awesome. Completely.
And thank you :)
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