Oct 06, 2004 13:44
GAAAAAAAH! I just finished a loooooooong work day (and as typical my loyal Target compatriots ran away when the boss wasn't looking and signed out so I was stuck, alone, to do the trash.)
See, that's the easy part. I don't even mind that.
What I do mind is that its almost 2pm, and I have to be back at work for TWO trucks to unload at 10pm tonight.
That means I have to get up at 8ish, so I get maaaaaaaybe six hours sleep, if I sleep immediatly. (no bath, even though I reek, etc.)
Oh, and to top it off as I went to get my change of clothes after nasty filthy truck I'd found my lunch had burst all over my work clothes. So I had to dry my shirt as best I could and just wear my jeans. (much to the annoyance of my bosses.)
Work sucks, then ya die. *nodnod*