Apr 08, 2017 20:03
Fri, 13:56 : RT @ MichaelMorarity : @ people who think cats are evil https://t.co/r9iVkYkH9B Fri, 13:57 : RT @ 9GAGTweets : A Zelda wedding dress https://t.co/pawWu7nO5C Fri, 13:58 : RT @ hxsm : https://t.co/JP6NpYBIZS Sat, 04:22 : RT @ _FunnyMalaysian : Budak ni buta mata sebab kawan kawan celebrate birthday baling telur busuk. Careful. Jangan sampai masuk mata. Hati ha… Sat, 04:24 : RT @ SurekhaRagavan : 'Lol come fly with us we never objectify women' https://t.co/IzCyHBnwLD Sat, 04:26 : RT @ aishahnurhakim : I love Chef Wan. Haha https://t.co/jBenv54EXN Sat, 04:27 : RT @ jimiecheng : 75% of Malaysians find it hard to come up with RM 1k in case of emergencies. https://t.co/GlVWXyi61R Sat, 04:27 : RT @ kanton811 : @ kanton811 *slip this one in* colored and some adjustment. Kinda huge... https://t.co/Szuxyuqopu Sat, 04:31 : RT @ BuzzFeedNews : A 7-year-old who lost all her hair celebrated "Crazy Hair Day" in the best way possible https://t.co/samkdDI2gf https://t… Sat, 05:31 : RT @ drugproblem : The difference is that Lindsay learned the culture, the religion, and was amongst the people. That's called appreciation h… Sat, 07:36 : RT @ moksutinn : the most edgiest ignis i've ever drawn https://t.co/2QqCihwmwQ Sat, 07:36 : RT @ CockpitChatter : Turkish Airlines - Welcome aboard princess!! https://t.co/ONhadQmWWe Sat, 07:40 : RT @ Ryuugoku : ジョセフ・マイケル(Joseph Michael)による「発光体」。ニュージーランドの写真家。ニュージーランドの北島にて鍾乳洞で発光するヒカリキノコバエを撮影しました。ヒカリキノコバエは蝿の一種で、洞窟内で青白い光を発します。成虫は口を持たず交尾から… Sat, 07:43 : RT @ hxsm : Batman kalau kena pukul, dia jadi Bruise Wayne Sat, 07:54 : RT @ zaidxshah : And puntianak also https://t.co/F1bp216NFC Sat, 07:54 : RT @ NollVic : 【今日は何の日シリーズ★4月3日】今日じゃないけど…だいぶ遅れたけど…シミ対策の日でした。 クリス「ヴィクトル、君小顔なのにマスクのサイズg…あ…(察し)」 https://t.co/cO8AbFfBUc Sat, 07:54 : RT @ kotona_oba : リク頂きました、大人のオトモダチヴィククリ。「写真?良いよ」 https://t.co/W40i957UWY Sat, 10:17 : RT @ april_game : ノクルナアンソロ本当にやるよー! 続報をお待ち下さい! https://t.co/TgBv93SO86 Sat, 10:17 : RT @ oow__ : 15の世界の花鳥園 https://t.co/VNyyMebI8t Sat, 10:19 : RT @ tosikou : さくら🌸 https://t.co/sF8nZWpDGB