Mon, 13:42: RT @ nocturnaltapir: Masa diorang buat packaging susah nak bukak ni diorang ada terfikir tak orang beli gunting sebab takde gunting nak meng…
Mon, 13:45: RT @ haikalclassic: Censorship Board: THE LGBT AGENDA IS BAD FOR MALAYSIANS Everyone: Wasn't there rape and physical abuse in Ombak Rindu? C…
Tue, 07:02: RT @ ChizuruMiyuki: Bc its true. You have a wholesome DISNEY movie, thats teases a bit of liberal thinking, kena ban. Jantan main rogol2 cin…
Tue, 08:33: RT @ WanMohdNazri: Gila cool weh! Aku ingat dia nak letak muka mamat tu kat cawan. Rupanya dekat kopi tu ada muka mamat tu 😂…
Tue, 09:12: RT @ Rennar8: You're right. It will only reduce STDs, teenage pregnancies, kes buang bayi, unsafe sexual habits, general stupidity https://t…