I was going through my facebook feed wall
when I found this article about loneliness
and how most great people are many times the loneliest
http://elitedaily.com/life/youre-better-person-feel-lonely/667447/ ironically, at the same time
I opened a draft of my livejournal
ready to type about loneliness
but that's life
everyday, everything, anything are always connected (one way or another)
it's basically how you see the connections were made
and that's how and why people are different from one another
that's what makes us unique
touching on the subject of loneliness
our choices are often one of the main ingredients in defining all of these connections in our lives
I have made quite a number of major choices in my life
which have put me where I am now
I have made the connections to be where I am and what I am today
referring back to the my subject on loneliness
we don't usually choose to be lonely
we usually try not to make that connection
let's be honest
who genuinely wants to be lonely?
I mean 'me-time' and 'quiet-time' are completely different than being lonely
some choices that i have made in life
have made me fairly lonely
it's not exactly my choice to be lonely
but it's the connection that my choice had done to me
loneliness can come in different forms
family, relatives, friends, a lover or even pets
what i meant by that is actually
on the feeling of feeling somewhat left out or void complete
I have chosen a path that is inevitably lonely
shunning myself away from many of the merriment in life
but if that choice wasn't made
i am afraid for the safety of my family and myself
it is a lonely path that i took
but at the end of the day
i rather be lonely than suffer more heartbreaks or the possibility on getting (emotionally and physically)
it's not an act of cowardice
when you do it with the intention to protect the people you love and yourself
you can call it being selfish if you like
but it's true
as cliché as it sounds
one does not know what it's really like until one have personally experienced it
what i mean by that is that
the choices were made due to many reasons
some are solid and some are not
there's always a reason for anything
and that's part of the connections
despite being on the lonely path
i learned to live around it
and i have to say
it has not been bad
it has been rather great to be honest
and now, i think i have made the right choices
maybe not at that time
but now, it feels right and was necessary
FYI, this post is not addressing any petty issues in my life, I am referring to the ones that has messed the hell out of my life