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Jul 15, 2005 18:08

i just came back from tennis camp with zamboney (kasimira) maxazizzle (max) mitchezille (michele)
it was sooo fun! we all have so many inside jokes like hillman helbie hellman hell boy jeramato jeratomato
jimminy cricket jepeto aoooooo you running up a hill a hill is running up you aooo
my pants are tight in the nees (slap) and all the way up (slap)
there was three really hott guys hillman brent and jeremy
jeremy was our age and was the nicest to us brent was also nice he gave me and kasi a sour stick thing and
he just was really nice hillman had the attitude problem and in thre beggingin of camp kasi was
ubsessed with him
well i am goin back on sun thru fri and thinkin bout another week! i am soo sad elliot it not gonna be there
anymore he is a councelor hes my favortie now NATE is!
i am soo exited to go back
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