The clock struck 11 as Dr. Jefferson sat in his bed reading Elzbeth’s file. Her photo was clearly an older one. She was smiling at the camera and her hair was a reddish brown. He never had actually seen a case where trauma caused a person’s hair to turn white until this point. Yet that was by no means the only interesting irregularity in the file.
According to the file she had been a fairly good student who had just ended her junior year of high school when the traumatic event occurred but no specifics of the event and all that was mentioned about her arrival at the facility was that her father committed her when it became apparent she was not in a competent mental state.
“But what happened?” He asked himself. The file then switched to session notes by Dr. Baker. Evidently he had been quite sympathetic with her and tried using trust methods like sharing personal stories with her.
“Elzbeth is showing signs of depression and a severe lack of trust. Refuses to talk about her family, has a fascination with roses, is intelligent,” The file read.
“Could he have been any vaguer?” Dr. Jefferson sighed. It looked as though he was not getting anywhere with her either other than getting her to talk at all.
He flipped the page to reveal notes that did not resemble normal session notes. “I normally would not write this sort of thing in a file but I fear I must under the circumstances. Should the need arise and another doctor take over my client and need to read this file I have no choice but to include this revelation.” Dr. Jefferson stopped at that line. Dr. Baker had a personal narrative in his file? Did Dr. Lindale know? No she had said at the meeting earlier that no one other than Elzbeth’s doctor had permission to read the file.
Intrigued and confused, Dr. Jefferson read on.
August 6, 2007 --I started my care of Elzbeth. Up to that point it had been Dr. Lindale’s task to try and rehabilitate her. However when the old director of the facility retired, Dr. Lindale took the position and passed the job to me. I found it odd that Elzbeth was committed in 2005 officially and had not made much progress in the two years she had been with us. When I started my first session with her she was barely willing to talk at all and would constantly cry out in her sleep waking the other patients.
I could not help but wonder if it was her father’s rather abrupt decision to commit her to the facility so quickly after her evident trauma that caused her to lock her heart away. I have no proof or logical diagnosis to support my theories but I just can’t help but think that this act by her father was seen as a sort of betrayal.
October 19, 2007-I gave my first progress report to Elzbeth’s father today. He sounded distressed if not a little disinterested. I told him of how she was starting to have conversations again and not just basic acknowledgements and he asked if she was telling of what happened to her. When I said no he responded oddly as if that was the only thing he wanted. He then asked if she still wore a bandage around her neck. When I told him she did he just grunted a little.
Is there significance there? What is she hiding under her bandages?
December 20, 2007-I gave a courtesy call to Elzbeth’s father for a progress report even though in truth there had hardly been any progress made. His new girlfriend answered the phone and asked that we call after the holidays. I wonder what happened to Elzbeth’s mother. I managed to get her father on the phone, but he just repeated the request.
I could hardly believe how cold he was being about his own daughter.
February 14, 2008-I celebrated Valentines with Elzbeth today. She loves roses so I bought her a dozen light pink roses. She smiled for the first time in the months I have been working with her. I must admit I was captivated by her beauty. I admit it isn’t very professional of me to think that, but there is something tragic and mystical about her appearance and I just cannot help it, or maybe I don’t want to.
She is talking more about her likes and dislikes now. Still no progress on her post traumatic stress but she seems to be healing. After all she may never really confront what happened but at least she is regaining her ability to function as a person.
March 20, 2008-I called to give a progress report to Mr. Kingston again. As he did in January he barely seemed to care and asked the same question if she had told her story yet. When I said no he ended the conversation.
May 16, 2008-I gave Elzbeth an intelligence test today. These scores are amazing really. She lags a little in math and logic but she is very intuitive and very observant in her comprehension and problem solving. Her reading skills are pretty impressive too. However when I gave her a test to gauge her psychosis she showed severe signs of PTSD and even some levels of schizo related behaviors.
That confused me the most since she has never indicated delusions. Although I have seen her in a state of daydreaming where she seems off in her own little world, perhaps this is a coping device for her.
June 16, 2008-Elsbeth had an episode today. She had a massive panic attack and mental break down. According to Dr. Lindale’s files she has one on this date around 2:50 am every year. It coincides with her incident I suppose. We had to give her a sedative and strap her down. Oddly enough and I know this sounds crazy but the lights flickered quite a bit during her episode and objects around her seemed to vibrate.
I have noticed these things when she has had nightmares or maybe I just think I have since I noticed it this time. I don’t know.
November 2, 2008-Art therapy has been working beautifully with Elzbeth. She draws beautiful pictures of rose gardens and birds. Her favorite bird seems to be a robin. She has been more talkative lately too. While she still won’t talk about certain things, such as her family or traumatic events or anything that alludes to that, she will chat about books she has read and what is going on in the facility. Maybe I am seeing the tip of the old Elzbeth shining through.
February 12, 2009-a woman stormed the facility today demanding to see Elzbeth. She claimed Elzbeth was a criminal and was causing a lot of disruptions to the other patients as well. Elzbeth came downstairs for some reason and laid eyes on the woman. The woman did not seem to recognize her immediately but Elzbeth knew the woman. I hope this doesn’t worsen matters too much.
February 25, 2009-Elsbeth has withdrawn again. Her father won’t take progress reports anymore and that horrid woman calls with threats daily. Dr. Lindale is looking into legal action. I want Elzbeth to heal but these events are worsening her condition.
March 3, 2009-I don’t believe what I found. I can’t believe what I found. Everything coincides with the night of June 8th 2003. Elzbeth’s behavior changed after that night, her hair changed, and her family changed. I went to that place. Ever since I can’t think straight and am unable to breath often. I can’t hold out much longer.
Twin Hearts Hospital Psychiatric Care
Dr. Jefferson turned the page. That was the end of it. He sat staring in shock at the notes. “Why did he think that this needed to be recorded?” He asked aloud. He decided to forget he had read it for now. Still, he felt that maybe he should bring it up with someone, Dr. Lindale or Elzbeth would do; all he needed was to ask them about it and he could maybe get to the root of the drama going on at the facility.
"Or maybe I should avoid drama." Dr. Jefferson thought to himself. "At least until I look into this Twin Hearts place..."