(no subject)

Jul 25, 2010 00:21


We're leaving in about 6-7 hours, and ahhhh I'm so tired I need sleep so ungodly badly sdfjkl but I'll be too tired/rushed to do this once it's time to go so!

Even though we were blessed with a 13-hour power outage ever since 1 in the morning (something that was particularly awesome since my mommy planned to do all of the laundry today...), we actually did a pretty good job of getting things together, I think. We even got the van all pretty darn cleaned out, to the point where I'm even pretty impressed with it |D That's something that's never been done before a trip!!

I may still update if there's anything semi-worth updating during the trip though, since I now have that new super neat phone. I forgot to mention earlier that my number is still the same! But at any rate, I downloaded this neat app that lets me update my LJ from my phone haha :'] It doesn't do anything else though, but I think I can still access LJ regularly from the internet browser. I'm just not sure if I can select icons from it. We'll see though, I guess!!

I think I've finally gotten everything taken care of that needed taking care of, but once again, I've been pretty out of it all month, so if I've missed anything in particular, it wasn't intentional, but I apologize in advance :'(

One more thing real quick, too!! I did get a call back from UPS a few days ago, and I was told I could fill out the application (so I did), and call back on Monday to schedule an appointment for an interview when I come back from vacation. My background should finally be taken care of so oh my gosh I'm ridiculously excited; the timing is beyond PERFECT and this job was... actually kind of my first choice atm. So I'm really hoping it works out ahhh

Other than that! I hope everyone else has a wonderful two weeks filled with equally awesome things! And I want to thank havocmangawip for the dessert waffle IT'S SO CUTE and it made me smile ;w; ♥♥♥

ups, disney world, job, phone

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