(no subject)

Mar 08, 2009 21:18

So you know what my journal's been missing a lot of lately? NERD HUMOR. >:[!!

... I wonder how many people will actually understand our nerdiness haha |D

Anyway. So I was talking with my brother the other day about how bummed I was that Daylight Savings Time was happening again this year, and I was like "Well, hey! At least we get our Gundam an hour earlier :D" to which he said, "Wait, Japan doesn't do DST though, right?"

Me: "Oh man, really? D: Wait-- even if they did, nothing would really change, would it? Or-- wait, I'm confusing myself D:" (Actually I'm still confused as to how it might have/still does work orz)
Him: "Well, really, it's just exactly the same. It's just that our perception of time is off!"
Me: "Whoa, man! It's like Rolo is just Geassing us all!"
Me: "... Actually, I could see Lelouch abusing his power for things like that."

Lelouch: "Rolo! Geass me until the next episode of Gundam!"
Rolo: "But Nii-san... My heart hurts!"
Lelouch: "As long as you're in my house, you'll abide by my rules! Now Geass me until the new Fullmetal Alchemist...!!"
Rolo: ... :'(

Damn, I tried to get a Youtube link but apparently there is none |D For those who have seen the episode of the Simpsons, this conversation must be read according to the "Bacon up that sausage" conversation 8)

... so anyways. Work has been a lot better. I no longer fear that the managers hate me, so... that's good haha |D;;

I've had a lot of interesting experiences over the past few days, but agh, there's no way I have the energy to type all of it out plus more meme responses /SO LAZY OKAY =A=;; So I'ma just head back to the meme stuff >:[; because this meme is fun and I like it :'(

♪ Comment to this post and I will give you 5 subjects/things I associate you with. Then post this in your LJ and elaborate on the subjects given. ♪

FROM meloncheck::

1) Really cool hats.: I like really cool hats! 8D It's funny you should mention this, Daughter, because I totally just got this awesome like, fedora hat the other week |D and it's vereh snazzy :) The only sad thing is that really cool hats look infinitely less cool when placed upon my head >A>;;

2) Failget minor characters (don't worry, I love all of them too): ... sob :'( I CAN'T HELP IT THAT I AM ATTRACTED TO FAIL, OKAY? :'( I don't know; I just really have this thing for imperfect characters, whether it be for humurous purposes or for serious storylines. I love them T^T

3) Green!: I used to not really think much of green, until like... Every single character I loved happened to wear green. (Well, not EVERY, but a lot!) Especially since I was with Jin for so long at AMS, green became my font color and apparently I am now associated with green haha |D

4) .hack//G.U.: Man, .hack is one of those things that SUCKS ME IN with each new installment and then just as I think it's been a while since I've been super excited about .hack SOMETHING NEW AND SHINY .HACK WILL COME OUT. It's happening again already rofl XD but anyways, when I first saw the trailer for //G.U. I was like *A* YES. YES. WHO IS THIS HASEO. HE IS AMAZING. HOLY SHIT *w* ... Of course, as I started playing I was like "teehee Silabus :D" and actually, I still have to... play the third game and watch the movie orz I should really get on that :'(

5) Drawing in 3/4 view.: .......... :'(

/cries and hides forever

OKAY SO this is basically a shining example of my fail. Back in the day, I tried to do a whole lot of different angles and such and one day I came to realize that the only time I could do anything decently is in the 3/4 view. Of course, I realize that I need to switch it up and I keep trying to make myself, but even when I picture something in my head, it always happens to be that goddamn view and dhflkdfj I suck :'(

FROM rail::

1. Cosplay: Maaan, cosplaying. I started way back in 2002 when I was taking a sewing class in school and casually asked my teacher how I might go about making a costume (which happened to be DiGi Charat) and she thought it was SO COOL that she offered to help me make it by arranging after school meetings just for me to get it done by ACen ;w; Aside from helping me with the costume itself, she helped me immensely for the future by teaching me something very important: how to modify a pattern. Long story short, I kept at it for a long while, slaving away many hours of my life working on costumes, exhausting myself for many a convention. Cosplaying is something I really enjoyed in part because I liked making the costumes, but my favorite thing was pretending to be the characters, an aspect that I've more recently been expressing through roleplay, which... is much cheaper, actually! Even if I were to buy them ALL paids ahaha |D;

Anyways, I haven't cosplayed much lately and even at the past couple of conventions I went to, I'd just wear casual clothes, which... feels weird for me at cons |D; This was in part because I was just so exhausted that I stopped bothering, but also because I realize that I've put on a lot of weight over the past couple years especially and it bothers me personally so =_=;; I'm kind of working at getting it off while I'm down here too =_=;;

2. .hack: See above //G.U. for the most part! But as for the rest of the series on a whole, //SIGN was something I really liked despite its... slowness |D and when the original games came out, I loved them to death. |D It was through .hack that I met Rail and a whoooole bunch of other people out there, and as such, the series will always hold a special place in my heart. ;w;

3. Yu-Gi-Oh: Hahaha really? XD I was one of those people that didn't really care for Yu-Gi-Oh! at all back in the day, and then when I was bored at work, I started reading through the Shonen Jumps and I found that I actually liked the manga a whole bunch and bought up a bunch of it |D I still have a half-cut out Yuugi costume too :(;; And I still have athena5897's DVDs that I need to watch and give back haha >A>;;

4. Code Geass: I keep thinking lately how much I miss Geass actually. Not like it's been so long, but I already feel like rewatching it. I LOVE MAO LIKE BURNING, and I just... overall really enjoyed the series, and oh man Pizza Hut and awesome music :D This was one of those series that everyone said was so good but I felt like I'd never actually watch it, and then just before R2 aired, I marathoned it in one night with my brother. (This... sort of also happened with Gundam 00 lol) but I'm SO GLAD on both accounts that I waited for Season Two to be ready at least because I would have gone insane :'(

5. Chicago: So at first, I started thinking of the musical/movie and then I was like-- "OH, MY HOME. RIGHT." |D haha I've apparently been away too long already XD But well, Chicago is my home :D My Sweet Home Chicago as opposed to Rail's Sweet Home Alabama XD I like living there-- well, in the suburbs. I should not like to live in the actual city, and I'm probably gonna hang around there for life. I just don't like the weather >:[ But I'll complain no matter where I'm at, I assure you |D

FROM dai_sugoi::

1. EXTREME BOARD GAMES: SEE HERE |D well... it's close enough anyway /LAZYING OUT

2. cosplaying~: SEE RAIL'S |D

3. arts on Gaia~ (I remember, we met in Eni's free art thread waaaaay back in '06. 8D): Ooooh, is that where it was? I knew it was on Gaia, but-- man, you have so much better memory than I |D Well! Back in ze day! I was a Gaia fiend like I am now an LJ fiend, and obviously, the best part about Gaia (aside from the rp I was in there) is the adorable avatars, and going along with that, the artwork of avatars :3 Doesn't matter who you are; you love getting art of your little girl or dude ;w; So I collected artwork (and still have it all!) and I also gave out free art a lot or occassionally sold art-- It is... an easy, excellent way to make lots of gaia monies, really. |D;

4. ADORABLE ICONS SDLKHGSD: OH SANKYUU XD I used to have... really retarded icons. In a not good way rofl XD I still have a couple of my really old not-very-good-at-all ones just because I still kinda like them but nowadays, I let myself change icons whenever I feel like it, and I feel like it rather often! |D There's still a few expressions I'm looking for, and would probably come across a lot sooner if I had time to icon anything here ;~; But thanks to rp, I really enjoy finding icons that can perfectly match my sentiments haha |D

5. Disney! :D: SEE HERE |D

FROM morte_dolce::

1. Jin: Man, my love for green-clad minor character boiz~ He was a big one. I think the first thing that pinged me about him was his kickass outfit and sunglasses with golden lenses which happen to be my favorite shade for glasses :'( I really love everyone in Strega, but Jin is definitely the best ;D So, I started RPing him, going with my "I'LL PICK SOMEONE MINOR WHO NO ONE ELSE WOULD PROBABLY EVER TAKE SO NO ONE GETS MAD AT ME FOR PLAYING SOMEONE BADLY THAT THEY COULD DO MUCH BETTER WITH :'(" I mean, on top of that, I love him so he's who I wanted to play, but I have that sort of complex haha |D;; Well, everyone at TDH/AMS was/is way too nice to me because I swear to God I just always sucked with him dflkhls but it finally got to the point where it was so hard to play him because I didn't feel connected with how things had evolved and his current position in the rp and I had to drop him :'( Which is... really sad, and I'm hoping after I come back home I might be able to try him again with hopefully less fail, too. :'(

2. Gundam 00: I really didn't expect 00 to click with me as much as it did and continues to do so. I really liked Wing when it was out, but I feel so much more attached to ALL the characters in 00, and it's so gripping that honestly, even the things I should be going "Okay what the hell that's just stupid >:[" *coughcough like their fascination with nekkid people all of a sudden really what* I am inclined to forgive it because... SHUT UP THAT'S WHY. Also Gundam 00 has Ribbons, and Ribbons is... Ribbons. :) ♥

3. Bebe: So like... I of course, adored Bebe from the get-go. Same with Kenji haha |D Because me and minor characters is like (!) PING and so I think Bebe was my first branchout in trying out the social link characters, which I did plenty of at smtdressingroom. I had a couple of goals in mind with this. First off, I just wanted to see if I could pull him off, obviously. Secondly, I wanted to give the kid some love since I had yet to see anyone rp him (or any of the social links really, aside from... Kazu sigh.) And lastly, did I ever tell anyone this? |D; I ninja'd with him at first because I wanted to know exactly what kind of feedback I might get since I always fear that everyone is just too nice to tell me when I really suck haha |D;; Because really, I know I am prone to suck and fail ;A; But you know, it's kind of like the anon meme. Anyone can trust praise from an anon a lot more because there's absolutely no reason to sugarcoat it there... you know? e_e\;; Anyway, despite positive feedback, I still feel that I fail with Bebe, too \o/ It's not that I worry about his voice so much (for once-- usually that's a big fear haha;;) but that I'm not really sure how to handle situations outside of what's ordinary for him and I wonder if I respond correctly at all 8(;;

4. Disney World: Well, Disney World itself is a little different than just Disney, so here goes! Basically, this place has always been like a home away from home for me, and it's even moreso that way now that I've got so much connection with the place. Even just walking around outside the main entrance sweeping up stuff and taking out the garbage, anywhere I look, I see Disney, and it's awesome. Just being here is awesome, and right now, I'm just kind of cruising by, enjoying what I can when it comes, but as happy as I'm going to be to be home in a couple of months... I know I'll cry haha |D;;

5. Awesome hair: Like really cool hats, I enjoy awesome hair! XD Like with really cool hats, awesome hair looks infinitely less awesome when placed upon my head |D I try to live out most of my hair desires through the characters I create. It bothers me to give them generic hair, but then of course, there's only so much you can do, and like at AMS, everyone would always say how my characters' hair is like a rainbow, since they all have weird colors, but I CAN'T HELP IT, IT'S COOLER BECAUSE I CAN'T HAVE IT IN REAL LIFE, YOU KNOW? :'(

... I should probably make some more normal ones though haha;;

FROM decultures::

1. IZZY IS A JERK: Izzy is most certainly not a jerk! And anyone who claims this to be true can most often assumed to be a Deji. Dejis are often consumed by Izzy hatred and therefore are prone to spouting off generic capslocky arguments that hold no bearing in the world, whether it be IRL or online. :)

2. YOUR MOM: My mommy is my mommy! She can be a jerk sometimes (maybe that's what you meant with that first one :O) but she's still my mommy and I love her very much ;w; Also she's coming to visit me sooooon! ;w;

3. YOUR FACE: My face is attached to me. I don't know where you're going with this :(

4. IZZY IS AN EGOIST: Well, sure, it may look like that when three of the topics you're giving me have "Izzy" in them! But remember, Deji chose these topics, and not Izzy. >:[

5. IZZY LIKES BULLYING PEOPLE: This is outright blasphemy! This should read "IZZY LIKES BULLYING PERSON" for Izzy really only likes to bully Deji.

... No, no, wait, I think you're right on this one. I like to bully wedlock also :D And a lot of people, but it depends on my mood. BESIDES, I AM ALWAYS BEING BULLIED. IT IS ONLY FAIR THAT I CAN BULLY OTHERS EVERY NOW AND AGAIN. >:[!!!

And this concludes the meme :)

And that last one totally reminded me of something else I meant to post the other day. So, we have these Evacuation Plans for emergencies, right? A, B, and C, depending on what the situation is. Plan A is just a regular exit of the park. Plan B means we should utilize the backstage exits and open them up to the guests for quicker evacuation, and Plan C means EVERYONE TAKE COVER. Obviously, C is least likely to ever be needed, and it's not like any of these happen often |D

But at any rate, from time to time, they do drills of the Plan B Evacuation. This basically means that anyone who has a radio at the time has to go to one of the marked exits and they take count of who actually showed up.

So I had one the other day. And it took several times of them mentioning it for me to realize I was doing a Plan B Drill.

a Plan B Drill.



beedrills, meme, code geass, pokemon, disney world, gundam 00, internship, daylight savings time

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