TITLE: The Dating Game 2/?
LENGTH: @175 words
FANDOM: Prince of Tennis
PAIRING/CHARACTERS: Choutarou, Shishido, Hiyoshi
SUMMARY: Choutarou returns from abroad.
NOTES: Takes place in a university setting.
DISCLAIMER: I don't own these characters, nor am I making any money from them. I merely borrow them from time to time.
"Shishido-san! Hiyoshi!"
Choutarou smiled at his senpai and best friend. They both had showed up to pick him up from the airport even though he had said it wouldn't be necessary. While he had expected at least one of them to show up anyway, he hadn't expected them to show up together.
"It's seems like it's been forever since I've seen you two."
Hiyoshi shrugged. "A year can seem like that..."
Choutarou nodded. He'd been in studying in Europe for the past year. His parents had thought it would be a good idea at the time to send him away and he had also, but he'd ended up missing home to the point that he'd wanted to come home and continue university in Japan.
So here he was, back just before the summer term was about to start. He only had a few days to get settled into his dorm room and figure out were his classes were. Not that that would be an issue. He was sure Shishido and Hiyoshi wouldn't mind showing him around.