Oct 19, 2005 00:26
And now, here's a crystal ball prediction of those areas in the year ahead:
ACADEMICS: This year promises to be a really good one as far as grades go, and with any luck, I can convince DVR to start paying for my schooling again. Whether I'll stay at Gateway long enough to get my degree before moving on, or whether I'll transfer to U of AZ in the fall remains to be seen, but the future's looking bright either way here.
SOCIAL LIFE: In this area, things are rather murky. I'm going to see if I can't be more active socially and develop some more solid IRL friendships outside of Wilson and Holtdorf (since he's started talking to me again and we've hung out a couple times) The other Marketing students look like the best possibility, especially Rob and Brian.
CAREER: I don't see myself figuring out this year what I want to do with the rest of my life, but hey anything's possible.
LOVE: Now this is a total and complete wild card. I have absolutely no idea what will happen here. I've pretty much decided though that I'm going to start looking around locally for an IRL relationship... A lot of things lately have made me realise that I don't want the hell of a long distance relationship, and the girls that I would even think of going into that for are with someone and quite happy with that someone... So basic line is, unless one of those becomes available, I'm not doing any LDR. What type of girl will I look for locally? Simply put, the Beatrice type... a combination of beauty, intelligence, humour, literary knowledge, and what I like to call a quicksilver mind. Granted this type is rare, (In fact I've only known 3 in my lifetime, and a 4th that came damn close) but I have the feeling that if I settle for anything less, someone's just going to be hurt.
The above was from January of 2003. Let's see what's happened since then.
ACADEMICS: I graduated from Gateway in 2004 with the highest GPA in the Marketing Program, went through a bunch of different school possibilities including Elmhurst College in Illinois, Carthage College in Kenosha, and UC-Santa Cruz. The first two accepted me; the last did not. So I ended up at Parkside again for another year and pulled off two straight Dean's List appearances. While I once again considered a lot of schools, I settled on Wyoming. Now I'll be changing again, probably to either Winona State or UW-Lacrosse for financial and career reasons. I'll also be dropping to part-time student status for the first time ever after I drop Russian, but it's necessary to save my grade point... as I'm running a 3.0 without the F in Russian.
SOCIAL LIFE: As it turns out, all through 2003 and most of 2004, my social life remained just Wilson/Holtdorf and my parents. Then in the latter half of 2004 and for a good portion of 2005, I occassionally went to parties and hung out with Tricia and Dreams as a result of working at Victoria's Secret. Damn good times. Then, here at Wyoming, I started to get involved with Sigma Chi, the fraternity I pledged, and started building some friendships, but I'm not happy here and the financial situation has grown to be a concern. I've made significant progress in this area over the last couple of years, I'd have to say.
CAREER: 2003 and 2004 ended up being typical career bounce around years for me. In fact, it wasn't until a few nights ago that I realized coaching is what I want most want to do in life, that it's what makes me happiest. Looking back over my old LJ entries as I've spent most of the night doing, this point has been even more strongly reinforced. Not quite sure how I'll go about it, though. Definitely getting the coaching minor, that's for sure.
LOVE: I *did* end up doing a LDR in the spring of 2003, because I thought she was everything I ever wanted in a girl. Well, just about everyone who reads this LJ knows the whole Nae saga, so I won't belabour it here. 2003 and 2004 were mostly taken up with her. Drea I still love and I always will, and yes, I'll always perv on her cuz she's hot as hell, my best friend and the one person I can tell anything to and not be made to feel like a moron. Since getting over Nae, though, there hasn't been anyone new who's really taken my breath away or anything like that. Be nice if they would, but I have a feeling my dream girl is waiting at whatever school I go to next.
So overall, I'd say life has improved quite a bit in the last two years. Grandpa's death in October of 2003 hit our family really hard and there's not a day that goes by where I don't miss him and I don't think of him. Graduation from Gateway was really hard when I looked in the bleachers and saw Mom, Dad, Nana, and Tubby, but no Grandpa. After Mom told me that bit about him and Winona State, which I vaguely remember now that I think about it, I really hope I can get in there. I was his favourite grandkid and the one viewed by pretty much the entire family as the one most likely to carry on his legacy as the hero of the family.
*fingers his 8th infantry pin* Grandpa never really talked about his experiences in World War II. I got the impression that he didn't want to, even though he was very patriotic and extremely proud of his military service. But he valued education more. I may have mentioned it here before, but when my uncle wanted to join the Army out of high school, Grandpa told him no. He said, "Your education is a lot more important than serving in the military."
Still, I wish I would have asked him what it was like to be part of the Normandy beach landing and I wish I'd known sooner about the Bronze Star he got while serving in World War II. I would have asked him about that, too, and how he got it.