Apr 06, 2006 21:15

I'm too lazy to do the damn memes that I've been tagged for. Seriously, I'm going to start a "I-don't-care-that-I-was-tagged-cause-I'm-too-cool-for-memes" club soon. I swear that after seeing the What do your loins burn for question, I just...well am completely turned off. Reminds me of some nasty STD.

Anyway, I had a rather ...odd moment the other with my mom. We went shopping for some groceries and some dude tried to pick her up. WTF. That is wrong on SO many levels -- including the level that her son was with her. I think I have to have "the talk" with my mom soon. You know, the one that goes like: 'WOMAN YOU ARE NOT 20, PLEASE PUT ON SOME CLOTHES AND DO NOT PRETEND TO BE MY SISTER' talk. I think she'd take it well, at least I hope.

[PRIVATE] So. Where the fuck do I begin? How about "WHAT THE FUCK WAS I THINKING?" or, "HOW THE FUCK DO I EXPECT TO CLEAN UP THIS MESS?" Either way, the vocabulary doesn't seem to vary too much, does it? I know exactly what took over me, and I guess I should be ready to accept the consequences. But shit, this type of consequence has got to be the worst I have ever had to face for anything. I had to lie to Kotetsu, and I really hate that I did that. I hate it even more that I felt like I had to do that. The only way I could have told him was if I pretended that everything that happened was not a big deal, and that in itself is a bigger lie than everything else that I've said.

*Sigh* Seems like I can't even write up the specifics, I just keep going round in circles with the vaguest words possible. I just...I don't even want to think about it. I'm just glad that Kotetsu's memory is so bad when he's drunk.


Dear god. I did take advantage of him, didn't I?[/]

Yeah, what the cut text said.

1. How long can you sit in front of the tv without wanting to kill yourself? A few hours max. I have a short attention span, so I would probably end up doing something else in the middle of a show.
2. Describe your ultimate day of relaxation. Having sex with a monkey who can tap dance, which translates to I don't really know and I doubt you'd want to know.
3. Do you prefer your work environment to be fast paced and stimulating or comfortably routine? Routine I guess, I'm a bit slow to adapt.
4. Do you do laundry on a regular basis, or do you wait until you're turning socks inside out? Regular basis, yeah. My mom usually does it for me if I don't.
5. Do you prefer to take the stairs or wait for the elevator? I TAKE THE ESCALATOR; no waiting involved. HAHAHAHA. I kill myself. ;D

1. What's your comfort food? I like fried cuddle fish balls. And buffolo wings.
2. What's the most you've ever eaten? I think that one time when I was competing with Kotetsu at a buffet...I ended up popping a shirt button. *proud*
3. What's your favourite restaurant? The pizza place by my house that Kotetsu and I go to.
4. What's the grossest thing you've ever consumed? I resent Kotetsu's answer for this. Cause I was the one that made that weird spanish chicken he talked about. Um I think it was when I ate peanut butter flavored ramen, courtesy of my sister.
5. What eating habits dusgust you the most? When someone spits anything out of their nose. Keep it in, bitches. No one has to see that.

1. Have you ever caused someone physical harm deliberately? Who hasn't?
2. What mundane things in life frustrate you the most? Waiting on a longass line, like at the post office, and someone tries to cut you.
3. Have you ever had a screaming match in public? Yes, but I loved it.
4. Which celebrity do you wish would just drop dead? The big King guy from the Burger King commercials. What the fuck doesn't even begin to cover it.
5. Do you believe in the death penalty? Yes. But under extreme, well researched, circumstances.

1. In your opinion, what separates a healthy sexual appetite from being a slut? The reasoning behind your sexual appetite as well as the amount of people you want to satiate that appetite.
2. Would you date a really nice, attractive, person with herpes? Depends. You can't just ask a question like that and expect an answer.
3. Have you ever experienced coyote ugly? Thankfully no. I sober up rather quickly.
4. What’s the lowest you’ve stooped to get the object of your desire? I pretended that I was interested in Multi-varative Calculus. NEVER AGAIN!
5. Who do your loins burn for? Your mom.

1. Would you ever lead someone on if it was financially beneficial to you? No.
2. What's the most expensive thing you own? Entertainment system, but that's not really mine...
3. What's more important, job satisfaction or a fat paycheck? Job satisfaction, and I speak from experience.
4. How much money would it take for you to whore yourself out? Buy me lunch and we'll figure something out.
5. Would you be morally opposed to stealing something if you knew you could? Depends. If I was out to steal my friend's one piece of FRENCH FRY...*shrug* why not?

1. Who do you aspire to be like? Undecided. I would like to say my dad, but I'm too cool for that.
2. Does it bother you when your significant other is friendly with members of the opposite sex? Can't say. There are times when I am and there are times when I'm not.
3. Does the amount of media attention that someone like Paris Hilton obtains seem unjust? Yeah, the media should be all over me instead. Just watch it Hilton, I'm going to get my own sex tape out there soon. ;D
4. Has your own unhappiness ever caused you to unintentionally resent the happiness of another person? Yes.
5. Have you ever changed to fit in with a desirable group? Baby, I was the desirable group. Or well, was in one. Ha.

1. Do you have a problem admitting you’re wrong? Yeah. Not my fault though.
2. Would you rather watch someone important to you walk out of your life or beg them to stay? I'd probably watch them first and beg later. Can't help it.
3. Are you the kind of person who would rather try your best and fail, or not try for fear of failure? Depends on my mood.
4. Have you ever expressed interest in someone high above your status, where your chances of being rejected were very high? Yeah...
5. If you made a contribution to a charity would you want credit, or would giving be enough? If you wanted credit afterwards, it wouldn't exactly be an all out charity, would it?

Tagged, bitch (If you don't want to do it, that's okay. Izumo --- you better do it though, or I'll hunt you down and feed you to Fang. XD It's terrifying, I know.)
Kotetsu, you're a meanie. :(
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