Re: spasibo za kartinkiizoominSeptember 10 2007, 14:27:48 UTC
August 6, 2007 The murder of three college students left residents of Newark shaken and angry Monday, prompting a march on City Hall and providing a major challenge for the city's new reform-minded mayor. Mayor Cory Booker, 38, a Rhodes scholar and Yale-educated lawyer, was elected last year and promised to make public safety his top priority.
Crime has fallen during the last year, including a slight drop in the number of murders. But five killings over the weekend - including the execution-style slaying of the college students - jarred the mayor and the city. "This breaks the heart of our city," Booker said.
The murders took place around midnight Saturday behind Mount Vernon Elementary School in a middle-class neighborhood. The victims had no record of being in trouble and were seen as success stories for the city's school district.
The four students, ages 18 to 20, were listening to music in a well-lit playground behind the school shortly before midnight, Newark police said.
Three of the friends were lined up against a school wall and killed by gunshots to the head. The murder victims were Terrance Aeriel, 18, Iofemi Hightower, 20, and Dashon Harvey, 20. Natasha Aeriel, 19, Terrance's sister, was shot in the head but survived and was in fair condition Monday at a local hospital. Police were looking for about five men allegedly involved in the killings.
Two of the students were juniors at Delaware State University. Two others planned to attend the school this fall.
"They were great kids," said William Freeman, security chief at Newark public schools. "We're all grieving. We're a struggling district, but we have success stories, and it's so painful to have it end this way."
He said police suspect robbery was the motive. No arrests have been made. Newark has had 60 murders so far this year, down from 63 a year earlier. But the bloody weekend threatens to damage the city's effort to rejuvenate itself.
Newark has a new performing arts center, and an 18,000-seat sports arena is under construction for the New Jersey Devils pro hockey team.
"This is certainly a hard blow because the city has a new reform mayor who's trying to create a vibrant 24-hour downtown," says James Hughes, dean of the Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy at Rutgers University.
The arts center, arena and other attractions depend heavily on suburban residents feeling the city is safe, he says. "People not having fear is crucial, but it's not something you can turn around overnight," he says.
Re:bez shpilekizoominSeptember 10 2007, 14:48:09 UTC
Молодец!! А к чему это без шпилек относится? Еще шпилек не купилось, или можно и без шпилек попытаться? Давай в Ньюарк скатаем как-нить. Поснимаем. Или с нас чего снимут. Ничего, кроме шпилек не жалко.
Re: bez shpilekizoominSeptember 10 2007, 14:58:44 UTC
Ну, я боюсь поиск затянется... В корсет. Урок я выучил. Контуры жанра расплылись, дальше некуда. Надо его тоже в корсет. Корсет на шнурках в Ньюарк все равно надо надевать, даже если есть риск, что снимут. Без него я тебя туда не повезу.
The murder of three college students left residents of Newark shaken and angry Monday, prompting a march on City Hall and providing a major challenge for the city's new reform-minded mayor.
Mayor Cory Booker, 38, a Rhodes scholar and Yale-educated lawyer, was elected last year and promised to make public safety his top priority.
Crime has fallen during the last year, including a slight drop in the number of murders. But five killings over the weekend - including the execution-style slaying of the college students - jarred the mayor and the city. "This breaks the heart of our city," Booker said.
The murders took place around midnight Saturday behind Mount Vernon Elementary School in a middle-class neighborhood. The victims had no record of being in trouble and were seen as success stories for the city's school district.
The four students, ages 18 to 20, were listening to music in a well-lit playground behind the school shortly before midnight, Newark police said.
Three of the friends were lined up against a school wall and killed by gunshots to the head. The murder victims were Terrance Aeriel, 18, Iofemi Hightower, 20, and Dashon Harvey, 20. Natasha Aeriel, 19, Terrance's sister, was shot in the head but survived and was in fair condition Monday at a local hospital. Police were looking for about five men allegedly involved in the killings.
Two of the students were juniors at Delaware State University. Two others planned to attend the school this fall.
"They were great kids," said William Freeman, security chief at Newark public schools. "We're all grieving. We're a struggling district, but we have success stories, and it's so painful to have it end this way."
He said police suspect robbery was the motive. No arrests have been made. Newark has had 60 murders so far this year, down from 63 a year earlier. But the bloody weekend threatens to damage the city's effort to rejuvenate itself.
Newark has a new performing arts center, and an 18,000-seat sports arena is under construction for the New Jersey Devils pro hockey team.
"This is certainly a hard blow because the city has a new reform mayor who's trying to create a vibrant 24-hour downtown," says James Hughes, dean of the Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy at Rutgers University.
The arts center, arena and other attractions depend heavily on suburban residents feeling the city is safe, he says. "People not having fear is crucial, but it's not something you can turn around overnight," he says.
pod strahom i adrenalinom.
p.s. siju v internete, ne rabotaju.kajf!
А к чему это без шпилек относится?
Еще шпилек не купилось, или можно и без шпилек попытаться?
Давай в Ньюарк скатаем как-нить. Поснимаем. Или с нас чего снимут.
Ничего, кроме шпилек не жалко.
ne tot iz zmeinoj koji, kotorij ty videl, a na shnurovke speredi !
bez shpilek nelza!!!
ja lishby cto pokupat ne budu.znaesh ved' pro transformirujushujusa obuv...tak vot ja hochu takie najti ctoby mojno bylo ispolzovat po-raznomu...
В корсет.
Урок я выучил. Контуры жанра расплылись, дальше некуда. Надо его тоже в корсет.
Корсет на шнурках в Ньюарк все равно надо надевать, даже если есть риск, что снимут. Без него я тебя туда не повезу.
Т.е., кодга? Руки задрожали...
okolo 12 chut pozje
ja pozvonu
?medub astavolec a
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