Aug 13, 2005 22:40
So, I stole this from a friend. Boohiss.
The Info
So we've all got some secrets killing us, right? Here's the chance to get them out and say whatever's on your mind. It's healthy, so just try it.
Just say whatever it is you secretly feel about the person who posts this: It can be anything- I like you, I hate you, you're annoying, or just some little secret. Whatever it is, set it free!
The Rules
All comments will have IP logging turned off (no matter what! If the IPs are logged, it's cheating!).
Comment anonymously on this entry and tell exactly how you feel, even the stuff you've been keeping from me.
Don't be afraid to break my heart or hurt me, I can take it! This isn't looking for compliments, this is looking for your deepest feelings.
After you're done answering this, then take it and post it in your own LiveJournal. Make sure the IP logging is off, and get ready to find out the truth.
You may be as obvious as you wish, as long as you do not (under any circumstances) state who you are. You may also posted the comment as screened if you wish.
[EDIT] IP logging is on because my friend was having problems posting without it. Strange.. but whatever. I promise not to cheat xP