Back from spain

Aug 20, 2005 02:03

Well, that was a nice, "chill" vacation. So I went to Marbella, Spain and stayed with some family friends. They had a nice 2-story apartment. It was one 60 yr old guy and his 40 year old wife. Doesn't sound too bad, but if you saw those two, you'd be raising an eyebrow. He's a calm, well.. old person while she's an excited, extroverted, albeit a bit of a lunatic, woman. She makes him look like a pedophile. Then again, she's crazy.. and crazy people don't have an age, do they? They're just ...crazy.

I'm not going into too much depth/detail because (1) I'm a lazy son of a bitch (2) There's too much & I want to sleep tonight (3) I'm a lazy son of a bitch. So basically, I'll give this journal a quick run-down of what happened - the highlights.

Sunday - My Birthday. Had lunch with family in an italian restaurant. Italian sons of bitches pulled shenanigans that annoy me. Namely, getting restaurant attention by ringing a bell and singing "happy birthday". Got upset. Threatened Italians. Italians turned out to be mafia. Backed off & let them continue singing. Pretended to like it/care.
Flight. Got to airport early. Chose best seat (first cum first fucked). Pulled out Laptop & watched videos. Got to Marbella, Spain. Slept. Over.

Monday - Woke up around 3pm. Too hot. Went out anyway. Ate ice cream. Walked around old part of town/shops. Got bored. Went to nice 'cook your own steaks at your table' restaurant in evening. Cooked own food. Asked restaurant for money. Restaurant said no. Restaurant wanted money even though restaurant didn't cook food. Burned restaurant down. Came back to apartment late. Old man and crazy lady had neighbors over. Neighbor's daughter very hot. Neighbor's daughter flirted with me. Excited. Flirted back. Neighbor's daughter turned out to be sixteen. Jail-bait. Still excited. Neighbors left. Went to bed with boner. Over.

Tuesday - Went to beach. Went to pool of Hotel nearby. Swam. Rest of family sun-bathed. Got bored. Needed to 'do something'. Decided to go jet-skiing. Asked sister to come too. Sister v. scared of sharks + sea/ocean. Hesitant. Hit sister over the head with surf board. Sister now acting like crazy lady. Jet-skied. Full speed = fun. Went to rich port in town that evening. Had dinner. Had drinks. Chilled out. Family got drunk. Stayed sober & people-watched. Admired rich bastard's yachts. Tried to board a yacht. Security stood in way. Spat in security's face. Ran away. Went home and slept. Over.

Wednesday - Visit step-dad's friends. Ate lunch in Spanish Tapas bar. Went to friend's house. Had a swim in pool. Talked & drinked. Then went to do some ATV/Quad-biking. Guys took manual/250cc ATVs. Chics took auto/125cc ATV. Had mad fun on ATVs. Did some Donuts on a hill. Went too fast. Fell off. ATV fell on me. Got up with minor injuries. Carried on. Mastered 'donut-ing'. Went home. Showered. Went out to Argetinian restaurant in town center. Ate meat. Walked through town. Went home. Went to bed happy. Over.

Thursday - Slept. Woke up. Got ready. Sat and talked in apartment. Went to airport at night. Flew back. Went home. Went to bed. Over.

So over all it wasn't bad at all. I didn't realize how much spanish I knew. I guess this trip, along with Tenerife (which I still have to update about - and I want to), has really brought out all the spanish knowledge in me. It won't take me long to become fluent in the language. I can speak enough to fool people into believing I am spanish/mexican. So that's pretty cool!

I'll own one, someday.

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