Once the paint on the eyes fiinishes drying, the last bit I have left is to sew the bow to the neckband and I am DONE! Once my roommate finishes her sally costume we are going to do a little photo-shoot / test our make-up plans out day :)
First I patterned (in manilla) to get all the proportions just right, then cut out the pieces. The body of the bow is thermoplastic backed with felt; while the band and bat are the same fabric as the lapels with some buckram inner for strength.
The plastic I shaped using steam from my roommates industrial iron (Only safe in a well ventilated area! If plastic gets too hot it can off gas. I opened all the windows and set up some fans) Once the plastic had cooled/hardened I painted it by layering black and high gloss spray paint. The felt was added to the back, and then the puff paint lines were drawn on. (I should mention the only glue I have found that sticks nicely to the plastic is rubber cement)
I sewed the top half of the bat on my machine, then slipped it on the bow and hand sewed the bottom shut. I then glued the sides shut after lightly stuffing the bat with fiberfill for some body. I added some elastic to the back of the band to make it snug, but comfortable on my neck.
Sick days are good for something eh? Now if I could only take back all of the trashy tv that came on Hulu auto-play...