I'm on the cover...Sorta ;)

Jul 29, 2011 20:54

For those of you in Southern California this week, if you get a chance pick up this copy of LA Weekly. Inside are features on LA designers including the designer I am interning with, Mildred Von Hildegard of Mother of London. This is good for Mother of London because the article mentions how the ready-to-wear line is premiering soon (Fashion Show in September) which should drum up interest and help land the product in more local boutiques.

I was happy to see they chose a photo were I had made some of the garments (Leggings, pasties, and possibly gloves?) Lately I have been working on some garments for music videos and a music tour. Hopefully I can share some photos when they are done.

The article on Mother of London can also be seen here: http://www.laweekly.com/2011-07-28/art-books/mildred-von-hildegard-of-mother-of-london-fembot-couture/

And a pre-view of the photo shoot for the opening of the Knitwear and denim collection: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=243264582351235&set=a.141333029211058.26132.141324015878626&type=1&theater

internship, design, press, mother of london, fashion

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