This has been a pretty bad week (between midterms and having my computer stolen) so I decided I deserved a good break! Having gotten my sewing machine back, I put my new zipper foot to use and worked on my Civil war and regency corsets.
In an Ironic Side note, my computer got stolen right AFTER I put on the lost Decal. I guess those numbers really are CURSED...
The Civil War Corset:
In a further moment of bad karma, I discovered this corset doesn't fit!!! Almost all of the fit issues, are also things that weren't apparent, or I had thought I had fixed already from the mock-up: Specifically the bust is way too low (My mannequin as a lower bust than I do) and feels awkward. Also, the front juts out awkwardly, and it feels tight across my ribs.
I guess one mock-up was too good to be true, but it felt like it fit so perfectly!!! I have some Ideas on what I am going to do for the next one. This time I am using the really heavy canvas, no more duck for me.
The Regency stays:
I got the busk pocket sewn, and the lining and fashion layer sewn together. Next I have to make hand eyelets, lots of them. I have decided to be anachronistic and use modern lacing (and not spiral) Mainly because it is what I am used to, and I find it easier to lace and un-lace myself. After that, it's adjusting the straps (First try-on!) and binding...which I oddly really love.
Previous posts of my Regency corset: