The Man in the Mirror

Dec 10, 2016 22:22

The local library have been sending the serpent nasty letters demanding the return of a certain book sooner rather than later.
I had half the thing covered in little post it note tags because of course it is bad bad manners to use highlighting markers in other people's books. Of course there would be plenty of time to take notes and lots of them as future evidence in the case for the prosecution because one little click and the book would be renewed.

But it looks like there is a queue of cheap and nasty folk out there who want to borrow Crippled America - How to Make America Great Again rather than hand over their fist full of fivers to a worthy cause since the Great and Glorious Leader is donating all the proceeds to charities

Of course there's been a veritable feast of fun in Twitterland. The Big Donald does not do irony at all and obviously believes that rules are for lesser mortals. No leading by example here

It has become quite apparent that dearest Donald accuses his opponents of precisely the behaviour that he himself indulges in and seemingly completely shamelessly. He even bandies about accusations of hypocrisy.

It his hard to know if he believes all his own publicity, if it is just tactics and unpredictability to outwit the opposition or if he is living in an alternative reality where he truly is the centre of the universe second only to God in status.

But it looks like the latest tweet storm concerning Russian hackers, leaked emails and FAKE weapons of mass distraction will not so quickly fade away. It's been the lead story on the news in Oz for the last five hours.
It's kind of sweet in a way that George W Bush has finally got a mention. At the rate Trumplethinskin is going, Old George will soon begin to look most decent and reasonable indeed. It took him a couple of years before he started making up his own facts and reality and gave us the wonderful concept of truthiness before sending his minions to invade Iraq on trumped up charges and then leaving the rest of the world to clean up the mess while sending the US half broke to pay for it all.
This lot have not even clocked in yet and they are already in cloud cuckoo land up in that gaudy golden Tower of Babble.

Mirror mirror on the wall. Who is the wackiest of them all?

books, politics, trump, libraries

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