Izzie has been a busy little serpent. When not slinking about the city attending assorted culture vulture events or watching the full moon rising over the river, been pottering about in Cyberia doing studious stuff or making lame attempts to catch up on ridiculous amounts of tempting books.
Present reads include
"Turing's Vision - the birth of computer science (as part of an ongoing ambition to finally make sense of some of one of my favorite books of all time "Godel, Escher, Bach - an eternal golden braid" and "The Quiet Revolution" - a book about introverts which happen to be on loan from libraries or friends which of course makes them much higher priorities than the stash of interesting stuff in the Lair. A recent mud map sort of stock take led to the scary realization that there are books in every room of the Lair except the bathroom and loo.
Then there are a couple of online courses. I learned the hard way not to be too greedy with those. The inner masochist is still doing a Python language computer course which is nowhere as good as the other offerings on the same subject from Coursera. Both lecturers are boring and creepy but it's a case of 'use it or lose it' and proof positive that there's nothing like repetition and practice for learning most things.
The second course
Living at the Nuclear Brink is more a nostalgic indulgence and an inspiration for dystopian apocalyptic fiction. But now the odds are decreasingly in favour of the Clown Prince ever getting those chubby little fingers on the red button in the White House, then it is more of an idle curiosity. But it is seriously scary to watch lectures where one of the regulars has a creepy beard worthy of Seneca Crane and turns out to be (as I suspected) one of those crazy scientists who has devoted his life to building those nasty nukes at the labs of Los Alamos.
On Saturday I went to a mini convention called "Create Chaos" devoted to the dark art of comics and graphic novels with lots of folks selling their wares including the very ominous sounding
Mysteria Maxima Media associated with a local artistic Aleister Crowley acolyte.
I got a proper peek at the first instalment of their supervillain series and The Beast has his Mark all over it ;)
Apparently the comic community have created their own version of Nanowrimo where they set out to produce a 24 page comic in 24 hours or 8 pages in 8 hours for the somewhat less ambitious. That seems infinitely more daunting than 50,000 words in a whole 30 days.
So with all this inspiration, there should be no shortage of ideas for Nanowrimo in spite of being still completely clueless and plotless concerning November's story. I still haven't even decided yet on a suitable tarot deck for inspiration. I guess the question to ask is
What would Donald choose?
This week the serpent is going to be uberorganized and will not miss a single minute of the melt down that will be the third debate. After the second one - it certainly looks like the Trump's drug of choice was Viagra.