There’s been so much craziness in the big bad world that any sensible serpent would curl up on a nice warm rock and sleep it all out.
There’s the train wreck that is Brexit - a most poisoned chalice indeed. So much so that those who did their damnedest to get the referendum result by means fair or foul have now decided to jump ship and let some one else clean up the mess.
Nigel Farrage truly is a slimy lying
Frog Faced wanker Here in Oz, politics is also in a state of limbo. A pox on both your houses seems to be the general attitude of the public everywhere. Then there’s the usual folks who demand a change from preferential voting to first past the post or who proclaim how onerous and undemocratic it is to be ‘forced’ to vote. A $50 fine is not quite the same thing as a gun to one’s head and anyway there is no requirement to actually vote, just to turn up and get one’s name ticked off the electoral roll.
Elections are nearly always held on Saturdays and you don’t need to produce your passport, driver’s licence, and your great grandmother’s birth certificate before being given the ballot papers. So they actually make it as easy as possible to vote rather than forcing some people to jump through hoops.
And the Iraqis who had their country bombed back into the stone age courtesy of the Brits, George W Bush and his brown nosed minions in Australia now have to endure more of the same from a bunch of mad jihadis.
The Ramadan bombings in Baghdad last Sunday are already second page news over here.
But at least there are still the geeks to provide a bright spark of hope amidst all the doom and gloom. Last year we had the Euronauts dancing on comets and now there is the Jupiter mission where the spaceship hit the target and was one second out after a billions of miles and more than five years.
Click to view
Still got lots of catching up to do looking at all the pretty pictures between doing Camp Nanowrimo and an assortment of online courses.