It’s been all gloom and doom over the last week or so.
It started with the sad saga of the slimy Stanford Squid which was the tale of the day not just in Cyberia but even in the local news and views circuit.
Back in the 1950s a 14 year old boy could get
killed for wolf whistling or chatting up a woman. In these more enlightened and progressive times, a student can rape an unconscious woman (and likely spike her drink beforehand) and be handed down the draconian penalty of 6 months in jail reduced to 3 for good behaviour and have his family and friends all testify about what a nice decent upstanding citizen he is. And of course the clincher - he is good at swimming.
But the worst of it was how this perpetrator is presented as some poor innocent victim more to be pitied than punished.
Since such cases are not just confined to the USA but happen in
Australia too, then it cannot be seen as just another example of irrational American logic. I guess male logic better fits the bill.
There seems to be an epidemic of pity parties these days. Miserable Muslim morons who get so offended by cartoons that they feel the need to murder the artists and still see themselves as more sinned against than sinning. Any normal human being would either get over it or hit back with an even better cartoon. A crazy couple in California who crash a Christmas party with guns and consider killing infidels to be a more worthy and higher calling than caring for their own kid and now of course the icing on the cake this week with the murder of all those people at a night club in Florida.
Once again some useless loser dickhead with an inflated sense of his own importance has hitched his wagon to the latest freak show in town as a way of justifying his meaningless existence.
I could only think that the constant repetition of the mantra “The worst mass shooting in recent USA history” is almost like throwing the gauntlet to the next nut job like this is some giant game and that 50 is the score to beat on the giant leaderboard in the sky and one wonders how bad things were in not so recent history when even this horrifically high number was surpassed.
The more I hear about this creep, the more he appears to have in common with the other one in Norway and the one we had here in Australia who took hostages in the Lindt cafe in Sydney back in December 2014. He spent his life proclaiming that everyone was out to get him. His wife was not so lucky as the Afghan lady because she did not survive his murderous rage. He was constantly before the courts prosecuting vexatious claims and sending nasty letters to the families of dead soldiers of the sort that would make him worthy to be a card carrying member of the Westboro Baptist Church. In spite of a litany of such dodgy behaviour he was still free to slink about the streets of Sydney and to inflict his peculiar brand of misery on its citizens. Being Iranian, he was far more likely to be from the Shia side of the fence but was smart enough to know that the mere mention of affiliation with Islamic State would get him all the attention he craved.
But gun laws are not so lax here so he could not inflict as much damage as quickly.
By now every second rate nobody has worked out that proclaiming allegiance to Islamic State is guaranteed to get lots of attention and free publicity. It’s almost like a franchise willing to sign up every crackpot and nut job with a sick and twisted sense of their (usually HIS) own importance. No loon is too loopy to be accepted into the fold. In fact they will then go and claim after the fact that these creepy crawlies were indeed their minions and that their tentacles are everywhere.
Almost at the same time as the massacre in America, a kid in France is now an orphan thanks to one of these wannabee
minions murdering both of his parents. Not only did he kill them in cold blood but to add insult to injury made a 'snuff movie' of the atrocity.
You know the world has gone mad when the only people who claim responsibility for their actions are terrorists and their wannabe associates even when it has nothing to do with them at all.
Of course the Norwegian nut job had a deeply rooted hatred of Islamic extremists but certainly shared their belief that anyone unlike him has no right to exist. But like the Sydney slime ball - it was “All about me”. He apparently held up his hand after all that shooting to complain that the effort had exhausted his poor pretty fingers.
PS I refuse to name these creeps because most of them seem to be after their fifteen minutes of fame. For their names to be recalled while those of their victims sink into oblivion is to give them precisely the attention that they crave.
But there is another one of these miserable male megalomaniacal monsters who does not resort to bullets. His weapons are words and dollar bills. No matter what the situation he can always twist it into an “It’s all about me” scenario.
Maybe he will ride the wave and fan the flames of fear and hate all the way to the White House in November. Maybe then the Mad Mullahs of Islamic State will look like a bunch of 10 year olds at a Ramadan picnic.
Tomorrow evening I will be going to a talk given by Zunar -a Malaysian cartoonist. Here's hoping than none of these sad sooks will gate crash the party.