Izzie's been so busy in the Muggle world that the magical domains of Cyberia have been seriously neglected. So much so that I had 3 days left on a Vodafone recharge and 8GB of a 10GB allowance unused. Once midnight of the 28 day expiry period arrives, all those juicy unused gigabytes just turn into pumpkin puree. So that was just the temptation needed to update to the latest Big Mac operating system.
Then there's online course homework. Presently only doing one course but it is so interesting that I actually want to watch all the videos rather than just game the system with the weekly quizzes.
Monday 2nd May saw a new addition to the evening agenda taking the serpent away from the world of online lurking.
Last year the vague wishful thinking that it would be nice to join the Bookbinders Guild was converted into reality and of course it would be a good idea to take advantage of this opportunity to sign up for one of their book binding courses. I had done such a course way back in 2011 but figured that it's time for a refresher. This mob are far more fun. Not just that their course is cheaper and there are only half as many participants but they also provide all the materials and tools and the course is at a serpent friendly time and location. No need to be up at 7am in rush hour traffic in order to be at the other side of the city by 9.30am.
Then there's also the announcement last Sunday of a Federal election for Saturday 2nd July. We all knew it was coming for ages but now it is official.
Last but not least is the latest goblin gossip. A giant bowl of very tasty Leak soup.
Panama Papers More Goblin Porn This is going to be Schadenfreude on steroids.